Chapter 6 - Second Time's A Charm? 😰

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Back in her room, SAC-1's dead, bloodshot eyes stared blankly into the large, round mirror hanging on her right wall.

Hunters berate was whirling through her mind at a million parsecs per second, blaring and hateful.

'You screwed up the mission, that's what happened!'

'The Chancellors safety is at risk because of your mistakes!"

'You just made us fail the mission and nearly killed off half our men - '

Nala Se's parting words were next, soft but threatening.

'If you are returned to Kamino, we will be forced to rethink your usefulness to the army.'

Her face contorted in ferocity, and tears of pain came out of the corners of her squeezed eyes. "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" She shrieked, then once again hurled a punch at whatever was in front of her, which happened to be the mirror this time. It shattered under her fist, shards shot in any and every direction upon impact. The pieces of broken glass that remained under her fist severed through her glove and sliced into her knuckles but she didn't feel the sting. All SAC-1 felt was the crushing weight on her chest of guilt and impending doom.

Once Nala Se found out about her failure she'd be executed on the spot for sure, and while it would be just... SAC-1 didn't want her life to end so shortly after being introduced to the wonders of the vast galaxy.



Tech heeded to Hunter's curt order that they leave SAC-1 alone... at first. But as the night dragged on his anxiety over the situation steadily increased. 'I know why SAC-1 failed, but no one wants to listen to me!' It was the bitter story of his life. More than once, Crosshair in the bunk above him hissed for Tech to stop shaking his leg or he would come down there and make him stop. Tech's nervous habit so fiercely shuddered the bunk frame that it made Crosshair feel like he was in the middle of an earthquake.

This made Tech even more anxious as it was a part of his thinking process!

Then, a bright light bulb appeared over his head as his exceptional mind did come up with a solution: 'Commander Tano would listen!'

Instead of elaborately explaining his (almost) scientifically proven ways to ensure a brilliant idea every time to his grumpy little brother, Tech shot out of his bunk and bolted out of the barracks. Thankfully Hunter was out wandering the cruiser, too worked up to sleep, so Tech could easily slip away. Wrecker was a heavy sleeper, unlike the Sergeant, and Crosshair just muttered a 'Good riddance' under his breath before falling into a deepest peaceful slumber be could under the circumstances being surrounded by filthy, underhanded regs.

Halfway through his sprint to the medical bay, Tech realized that he forgotten his armor that was taken off so he could sleep more comfortably, but he quickly pushed that impropriety aside - 'There are more important things to worry about!' He barreled into the medical bay and beseeched a perturbed clone doctor for the location of Commander Tano as he had urgent business to discuss with her.

The doctor was surprisingly friendly to the defective clone despite his crazed eyes and disheveled blacks and hair, "You're in luck - Commander Tano just came out of the bacta tank, so she should still be awake." He motioned for Tech to follow him with a bob of his head, "I'll take you to her."

Tech found Ahsoka thankfully up and alert in her hospital bed, the bacta speeding up the healing process of the blaster wound, and she was dressed in a simple white hospital robe and pants. She was confused at Tech's presence, but set aside the datapad she was looking at to give him her full attention anyways. "What are you doing here?"

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