Chapter 11 - First Day Do-Over 😅

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With a content, sleepy sigh Talla awoke in her hospital bed... wait, HOSPITAL BED?!

She shot up from the mattress, whipping her head around in confusion, seeing the same four white walls that had been her prison since the accident.

'Wasn't I in a taxi?!'

'When did I get here?!'

'How did I get here?!'

Her armor and boots were sitting in messy piles on the counter across the room, and looking down Talla saw she was just in her blacks now.

As if he was creepily standing by and waiting for her to wake up, the medic marched in at that moment. "Good morning, Agent Talla! How's the leg?" He bid too cheerfully, leaning on the edge of his desk and crossing his arms ever so loftily.

She blinked to try and get her bearings. "Uhhhhhhhhh... fine." Upon moving though, an acute burning sensation making her suck in a sharp breath through her teeth. "Okay, maybe a little bit sore."

That triumphant smirk on his face made her want to punch him, the look giving her the same effect as the Chief Medical Scientists victorious demeanor did, "I'd think so - you WAY overdid it yesterday, and now you'll suffer the consequences." His tone was irritatingly condescending because he had no tolerance for clones who made more trouble for themselves even after his helpful suggestions that would minimize suffering, especially one who had all the best treatment available to her unlike all his other brothers, yet it was so carelessly rejected.

"I just need some painkillers and I'll be fine." Talla stated defensively, not complaining anymore so he wouldn't have any more opportunities to talk down on her. By herself she swung her legs off the bed, pressed her mouth in a grim line to stop another wince from come out of her mouth when the affected foot touched the ground. "Do you know how I got here? I don't remember coming back last night." She blatantly changed the subject, seeing his almost jubilant look grow even more if it was possible.

The medic hated what she tried to do but hopefully wouldn't have to deal with her childish defiance for much longer. "I suppose you fell asleep in the taxi, and the Sergeant decided to carry you back up here instead of waking you up." He enlightened the Agent, reaching behind him to pick up the bioscanner and approached her for an examination without bothering to notice Talla's cheeks burning.

"Oh." She recalled being really tired, 'But I actually fell asleep?! And the Sergeant had to stoop so low as to carry me back here?!' Talla would never be able to look him in the eye again.

A florescent blue light scanned her leg, and while the results shocked the medic it also made him sigh in relief. "Well, surprisingly you're not experiencing any repercussions from overdoing it, so you can leave today as scheduled."

Embarrassment gone in a flash, she instantaneously perked up. "Really?"

The medic went to the cupboard and pulled out her tunic and pants that Tech had brought yesterday, plopping them in her expectant hands. "Get dressed, then we'll discuss your after-release care." He left to give her privacy, locking the door behind him.

Her heart fluttered in anticipation. Talla yanked on her clothes, almost toppling over when she tried to shove her leg down into the leg hole with too much enthusiasm.

She was being released! And would still be able to keep fighting!

Just shy of a week ago, Talla thought that she was going to be returned to Kamino, but thanks to her cybernetics she wouldn't be decommissioned!

🐺 ~PROJECT SAC-1~ ⚔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon