Chapter 19 - Not So Crazy After All 😶

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Pure fear made her blood run cold. Talla began to sweat bullets. Not the most comfortable combo. The Agent cursed the fact that she took off her helmet, knowing the color must have drained from her face.

Not trusting her voice, Talla gave a curt nod at the assistant, but Hunter surprised everyone by catching her firmly by the elbow. "Want company?" He gruffly asked.

It was less of an offer and more of a promise that he or all of them would happily be her escorts, Talla just had to say the word. Not that she couldn't handle herself, but it was a reference to the pact - if Nala Se mistreated her in any way, they'd blow her off the face of the planet. Wrecker, Tech, and even Crosshair all adopted looks of determination, awaiting her call. Though she didn't take the Sniper's actions to heart, he did say it was his job was to protect the weak and helpless.

Regardless, Talla did want to accept the offer. Hunter proved to be great at keeping her grounded and making her feel safe during these turbulent times since her leaving Kamino, even with all the bumps. Tech and Wrecker were a close second in that area.

But the assistant quickly rejected this. "The Mistress does not require your presence, just SAC-1's."

There was no denying her trauma response when Talla's body suffered tremors at the mere thought of facing the Kaminoan doctor alone, but she forced her voice to be strong when meeting Hunter's steely gaze. "I'll be back ASAP." Hunter still wanted to come along anyways, 'consequences be damned' they swore, but a slight shake of Talla's head saying 'NO' made him reluctantly let her go.

If she wished to face this battle alone, he had to respect that. Didn't mean he wouldn't stop worrying till his friend was safely back home where she belonged, where those kriffing long-necks couldn't hurt her. Truthfully, Hunter didn't know how far he'd go if they dared laid an evil finger on her.

The whole trip to Nala Se's office, SAC-1's stomach was wrought with knots. The assistant wouldn't reveal why the Chief Medical Scientist wanted to see the Clone Agent, so her mind went to the worst-case scenarios. 'AM I IN TROUBLE?! AM I BEING FORCED INTO ANOTHER EXPERIMENT?! AM I BEING DECOMMISSIONED?!' SAC-1 thought that since she received the new cybernetic limb, the danger had passed of suffering repercussions for what happened on Silva, or even in the mess hall here on Kamino. '... Or maybe she found out what happened on Coruscant?' 😦 Suddenly, her new look didn't seem so wizard anymore, and SAC-1 considered slipping into the refresher to shave her head with her vibro, being bald probably being a more acceptable new look than the fiery-colored hair of awesomeness. And whatever fun she had at 79's did not seem worth it anymore, either.

When they walked through the entrance Talla squared her shoulders to give the appearance of confidence, but a shaky breath still escaped her. With sweaty palms she approached the intimidating figure of the Kaminoan Scientist sitting behind her large pristine white desk in a matching suspended chair. Having been typing on her monitor, Nala Se raised her head when the pair walked in, focusing her haunting black eyes on the Clone Agent trying to contain her quivering and fidgeted with her feet, hands, and hair (which didn't make it any less conspicuous).

Slowly standing up, Nala Se dismissed her assistant and soon SAC-1 was alone with the doctor who had inflicted so much emotional, mental, and physical pain. Her erratic heart pounding thrummed throughout her entire body, and bile raised in her throat waiting for her creator to explain the unexpected summoning. Nala Se's disapproval wasn't revealed in her facial features, though that species faces never did, but SAC-1 could sense the frustration radiating off of her and expected the worst, fighting back the urge to hang her head in shame.

"I received a full report of your exploits on Silva, SAC-1, and wanted to congratulate you."



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