Chapter 16: D'Abductions

Start from the beginning

"Was that the best she could do?" Mendy scoffed.

"Let's not drag all these, you know?, You just have to go back there and find all means to make the doctor dance to our tune" Collins said.

"Today?, Can't you let him rest?, At least a day" Damien said.

"To rest?" Mendy asked.

"Not yet, let's settle things so that we all may have the time and liberty to rest as much as we would want" Collins said, "start preparing to go" he told Willie, "always keep yourself in touch with us, peradventure you need anything" Collins instructed.

"Yes Boss" Willie replied and started preparations.


"How is it going doc?, How is she faring" Kiara asked now at the hospital where her mother is being taken care of.

"Ms. Kiara, she slept happily and sound since yesterday, and if she continues at this pace, she'll recover quickly" the Doctor said.

"I'll try to always make her happy doc" Kiara said, "can I check on her?" She asked.

"No, she's asleep already and would appreciate no disturbance, you can go home and come back in two hours time, by then we'll wake her up to take her drugs" the doctor advised.

"Ok, thanks Doc" she replied.


"Hello Mr. Mendy, there's trouble" Collins on a phone call with Mendy.

"What happened?" Mendy enquired.

"Since when Willie left, he has not called, I have called him, it is not going through, I checked his GPS tracker, it was turned off, I'm starting to get concerned that something is fishy" Collins explained.

"Have you called Damien at least they have a more intimate relationship, she should know where he is" Mendy suggested.

"I've called Damien too, she has no idea, I thought that we have to send the police force out and declare him missing" Collins said.

"Declare a police officer missing, how does that speak of the force, the Commissioner, Mr. Andy will ask what caused his absence" Mendy explained.

"Then, what are we to do" Collins asked.

"We'll have to wait and see what comes out of this" Mendy advised, "you can just conduct underground searching with trusted officers not publicize it" he concluded.



"Mr. Mendy, we can't just lay low on this, we've lost a companion and it's three days now, we haven't made a move, this could be on of Archer's schemes" Collins said in abject bitterness.

"But don't you think that publicizing that he is missing shows that we are weak?" Mendy added.

"Leave all that for now, leave all that, screw all that Mendy, you won't be saying that if it was your son would you?" Damien said, feeling angry towards Mendy.

"Did you just use the word your?" Mendy asked, "you have your freewill to make any decision you like, but here is my advice, know that the battle line is drawn and you have to always be with utmost security, goodbye" Mendy said as he left Ms. Damien's office where they occasionally met.

As Mr. Mendy left, Collins and Damien agreed, "Declare him missing"Ms. Damien said.



Ms. Damien was in her house preparing dinner when she heard a knock, she was outrightly scared, she was the one who ordered that the policemen guarding her could take a break, since it was already late, "who is there?" She asked from inside and she got no response, though she was scared but she summoned all ounce of courage left in her and came close to the door, step by step, she stopped and asked again but still she got no reply, she tiptoed and checked the peephole to see Willie so battered and looking rough, he looked like someone who has not taken his bath nor taken any food, his hair looked rough and he could easily be associated with a mad person, Ms. Damien looked again and had a second thought, "what really happened to him and where was he coming from".


We'll get to know that in the subsequent chapters which will feature in a part 2, don't forget to vote and comment, love to you remains 💯%.


© Deyoungprof Stories 2022

Written and Arranged by Deyoungprof (Solomon Stephen Sunday)

Edited and Reviewed by Samuel Ikubuwaje.

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