Chill day (short chapter)

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6 days later
Caroline woke up she managed to get out of bed she got ready then walked in the kitchen Stefan was playing with Cedric and Liana
then they got a knock at the door Stefan was changing Cedric so she went to get it she saw Niyah come in with Rosa she grabbed Rosa and started playing with her Niyah said " your leaving us" she said "Niyah I'm not leaving you guys I'm leaving here not you guys I'll always love you guys and plus this wedding had to happen fast and I'm glad it was I have to announce it next week in front of Mikaelsons that don't know I'm pregnant that's going to be hard since Mikael makes comments about how I'm fat and he's going to make a connection or thought I was gaining weight either way I'll kill him if he calls me fat after next week" they all chuckled at her Rosa fell asleep so she just kept her in her lap then Niyah wanted Rosa so she gave her to her and Rosa was snoring they talked the whole time

a couple hours later
Caroline and Stefan was walking to the Mikaelson's she heard something she saw Mikael beating Niklaus she said whispering "Stefan do something" he said "ok" he walked up to them Mikael was still beating Nik Caroline looked away she couldn't stand to see this especially since she was pregnant Stefan said "Mikael I'd like to talk about something with you"

Mikael stopped and let Nik go she ran to him while Stefan was distracting Mikael she hurried and helped Nik walk to Stefan and Rebekah's hut she walked him in she treated his wounds by going to the forest and getting stuff after him getting recovered he'd been avoiding her all week she got tired of it and confronted him after that he stopped avoiding her then they finally moved into their hut

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