A New day

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(Picture not mine)

I was walking by a lake and saw everyone having fun, I wanted to join but felt like I didn't belong here like no one wanted me around and just invited me out of guilt. In an instant, everyone disappeared and everything was dark.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. "Mark?! Amy?! Tyler?! Arri?! Ethan?! Where are you?!" I yelled. I started to panic and run around the lake and went on a trail leading into a forest, all the trees were dead and the sky was dark grey, everything seemed lifeless.

"Where is everyone!?" I yell out again with no response.

A cloud of smoke surrounded me and I could see someone, I hear the person talk.

"Why are you here?" The voice said in a familiar voice.

"Who are you?" I asked shaking.

"You need to leave." The voice said. It was... Ethan talking?

"E-Ethan? Why are you saying that?" I knew I couldn't trust anyone.

This guy looked like Ethan but he had dark, soulless eyes, and was negative.

He walks closer to me and I step back. I know this isn't Ethan. Ethan isn't mean...
is he?

I look behind me and decided to run away from this Ethan look-a-like.

As I'm running, everything gets darker and I feel someone grab my arms, I look and see Ethan grabbing my wrists and dragging me to an edge of a cliff.

"Let me go! What are you doing?!" I yell but Ethan just gives me a small smirk. We're by the cliff and I look down to see nothing but sharp rocks to land on.

I feel Ethan push me off...

"Ahhhh!" I scream. I wake up and realize it was a bad dream.

"Why did I dream that?" I ask myself. I look to see what time it is. 1:15 am, I won't be going back to bed after that dream. I got on my phone and was watching YouTube videos, I know Ethan is a famous YouTuber but didn't really care for that. I came across one of Ethan's videos from a few years ago, I watched a few of his videos before but didn't care much, but this felt different. I clicked on the video.

(This video isn't mine)

When he said "You Will Never Not Matter" those words made me have chills and I felt different... Everything seemed better. Those words kept repeating in my mind over and over again. "I do matter," I said to myself. I felt streams fall from my eyes and I realized I was crying, I never really cried unless I was overwhelmed or sensory overload. I didn't understand other people's emotions it was uncomfortable for me but this video made me cry because it made me happy.

"I can't believe I'm crying over this. Why did those words make me cry?" I couldn't understand why but I know it made me feel better. After a few minutes, I had fallen asleep.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm went off and which meant it was 9:30 am. I had woken up.
I had a headache from crying and my eyes were puffy but I didn't care. It was Saturday so I didn't work out today. I got up and went into the bathroom, I had gotten out of the shower and looked at my hand that I accidentally stabbed last night, it was bruised and had a small line across my palm.

"How am I going to hide this? Ethan already knows about it and thinks it was an iron but if he sees the cut he'll be suspicious. What do I do?" I look in my cabinet and get out some things to clean and wrap it. I washed my hand for 5 minutes to make sure it was clean, after that I used hydrogen peroxide, then I wrapped my hand with gauze.

"Looks like nothing happened, now I just hope Ethan doesn't want to see it."

Ring! Ring!

I went and got my phone and saw it was Amy.

"You're up early." I said.

"I wanted to get everything ready, I have a fun day planned out!" Amy said over the phone with excitement.

Oh no, what could it be? I thought to myself.

"Like what?" I said.

"You'll see. Just be sure to bring airy clothes. Bye." Amy said.

Airy clothes? What the hell does she have planned? I just shook it off and went to the kitchen. Sirius followed behind waiting for breakfast. I open a can of dog food and break an egg over it for her, she starts eating. I make some scrambled eggs and have a protein shake, I usually feel sad or depressed but today feels different like I feel happier. After breakfast, I take Sirius for her morning walk. As we are walking we go past a tattoo shop which I've walked by hundreds of times but this time felt different. I walk in.

-Amy's POV-

"I'm so excited for today! I have a great bonding trip planned for everyone." I say.

"What is it?" Mark asked.

"We're all going hiking! I read that hiking with friends is a great way to bond and maybe Y/N will feel more comfortable being here. I want her to be able to trust everyone and move in we are all basically family and I want her to know she's family." I say.

"What if she doesn't like hiking?" Tyler said.

"She works out 5 days a week I bet she's going to like hiking. And she and Ethan can get to know each other more, right Ethan?" I said looking in Ethan's direction.

"Uh yeah, it will be fun." Ethan said nervously.

"Are you alright Ethan?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm going to get my backpack ready for the hike." Ethan leaves the room in a hurry.

-Ethan's POV-

I went to my room which was a guest room I always stayed in while staying over at the house and closed the door. I walked over to the drawer and got out a box that had a bracelet in it. (Here is the bracelet)

 (Here is the bracelet)

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I got it for Y/N. She loves wolves so I thought of her when I saw it. I want to give it to her but it has to be when we're alone because I know she doesn't like when a lot of people are around. Maybe we can take a different route on the trail on the hike and I can give it to her, I hope she'll like it. I put it in my backpack and put more stuff in it.


I walk out of the tattoo shop with my wrist all bandaged up from my new tattoo. Sure I just made an impulse decision but it was a great one. I walk back to my apartment and get ready for my trip to Amy's.

To be continued.

Thank you all for reading. It means a lot. I will keep putting out more chapters but it will take some time.

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