Chapter 67: family ties and junior's turmoil.

Start from the beginning

-Kamek pov-

That is NOT the most practical way to use magic...i would be pitching a fit if max were someone else! It's at least good to know that he's beginning to use magic on his own. Still, he shouldn't use magic for his convenience!

-Mike pov-

"Not bad..and my head's fine, this headache won't stop me. And i'm not quite sure. Bowser seemed rather serious though." I answer. I can see that max is getting better at using magic, but why didn't he use his magic on zöhm? Then again... after seeing that he didn't even flinch to being damaged i can see why he never did. As for the big guy...i'm not sure why he didn't want the koopalings and his own son to be part of this.


"Good, you're all here..." Bowser while he sat on a oversized chair with silver platted on it. He looked rather tense as he sat down on his throne which intimidated max a little bit while he cautiously walked forward. "Is..something wrong?" Max asked bowser. "Why on earth would you ask that?" Kamek ask while raising an eyebrow. "After what just happened?" Max replies nervously. "No. That's not why i brought you here. It's..more personal." Bowser answers while kamek instantly knew what bowser is going to say.

-Kamek pov-

So..he's going to finally tell him. I guess it must be just as important for mike to hear it, but tyson and marx who is ever the floating observer..why them? Ah, i almost forgot...this would be a good time for me to give max his wand when this is over with.

-Tyson pov-

The fact that i am even here in this room must mean that the koopa king trusts me. Interesting...i would imagine that gaining his trust wouldn't be so easy for others.


"Personal? How so?" Mike asked. "Personal as in: I know who max's father is." Bowser replies which caught max off guard. "Wait..what? You do?" Max utters in confusion. "I think roy needs to be here for this." Mike asked who started to walk out to go get him. "No. With roy, i've known him his whole would be difficult to say this to him without roy blowing up at me knowing that he has what max has even though it's a lesser variant. With max? I've known him for almost three's just..easier..." Bowser answers. "Are..are you suggesting that roy has dark fury?" Kamek shakily asked. "He does. But it's definitely a different version of it which was triggered when max took that hit for him. Something that i KNOW i have...but...does junior?" Bowser responds before sighing. For him, it became obvious that this is difficult for him to say.

-Kamek pov-

You've got to be kidding me...i've seen roy angry before..plenty of times actually. But in that parking lot...that was clearly different. He did have that weird red outline on his body...but him being in that form didn't cause a storm to show up which is good sign i guess. Still, it was utterly terrifying to witness. How is it that we never knew about it until right at that very moment?

-Max pov-

Roy has it too..? Huh..i guess me nearly being killed in front of him must've triggered it. can he.. "Wait..if he has it, and you and roy have it...does this mean.." It clicked almost immediately to me which bowser chuckles at. "You catch on pretty quick. and roy are related to me. I'm your uncle." Bowser answers which not only shocked me, but mike too. I'm related to him? And..he's my uncle..? I mean, it makes sense that i've immediately got close to him. " dad..?" I ask. I needed to know more!

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