🌑🌃🌌Darkness Rises But The Light Never Falls☀️🌇🌅

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Kalin was shocked that Dzvezda kept control of Yusei's Runner as Yusei dueled no matter what happened then again nothing ever seemed to phase her she's one of the bravest people he knows out of the two of them he hopes she survives maybe he could finally make her his even if it wasn't HER choice to become his "I'm getting really sick and tired of hearing that!"  Dzvezda whispers when Kalin repeats the same word very Dark Signer seems to LOVE to say "when the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows, the curtain pulls back and reveals.... a world without light!"  Yusei mutters under his breath "me too!"  she smiles and he hugs her gently his hug becomes tighter when Kalin's dragon attacks the Runner wiggles a bit but stays in a straight line and he looks at its driver "I had a good teacher though it isn't my fault I drive better than he does! then again not dueling helps a little"  she says he laughs.... Kalin brings back a memory of when he and his friends took care of the last dueling gang how Dzvezda saved Yusei when the leader of that gang tried to kill him after he had locked his Duel Disk with the leaders who jumped roof taking Yusei with him then once he was safely on the other roof he unhooked his Duel Disk from his arm and threw it over to Yusei who fell off the other roof and she did the idiotic thing and ran off the roof herself and tackled Yusei as he fell and they went flying into one of the window shaped holes of the building the leader of the rival gang jumped onto Kalin who was rushing up to save his friend blamed her for not allowing him to be the hero his delusional mind wanted to keep thinking he was and of course Jack and Crow rushed into the building those two fell into and checked up on them instead of thanking him for at least attempting to help their friend while they just looked up and shouted their friends name and didn't do a damn thing to try and help him what was worse was that Chrysiridia called for Jack when she was having issues with the leader of the rival gang who thought he was "the shit" and could take whatever he wanted and Jack took care of that asshole himself add the fact that Crow wasn't at all pissed she called another man to save her just grateful she was ok.... Dzvezda ended up riding the flames as though it was the glass wall of the track at the Fortune Cup when Kalin's dragon attacked then she jumped right off it and landed right behind Kalin Yusei became worried when the Runner's front wheel starts to wobble "I'm friends with Crow, I've dealt with worse!"  Dzvezda tells him he chuckles "don't give up hope but don't underestimate him either even though they made him darker he still has that superior god complex that rivals Jacks they just heightened it so it's even more supreme!"  she whispers he nods with a hum then chuckles things get weird when Dark Signers appear either in the flames or on the other side of them and Yusei asks his old friend what was going on then says "I had a feeling it was you Dark Signers who've been taking people....what are you gonna do to 'em?"  instead of answering Kalin takes his turn "and here I thought you were better than this!.... that you actually CARED about the people you swore to protect!.... but you're not are you!?! you may have taken things too far Kalin but back then you did them for the right reasons now.... you're doing the exact opposite and are no longer the man I thought you were you're a monster!"  Dzvezda says Kalin's eyes widen were his delusions wrong!?! does she actually care about him!?! "you were family Kal of course we cared!"  she tells him as though she read his thoughts he knew she meant her and Chrysiridia when she said "we" he becomes sad for maybe a second then shows Yusei what he was doing with all the people they took by channeling their spirits to power his next monster and he tells Yusei that their combined energy would give his card unbelievable power and the people on the other side of the flames are sacrificed to the Effect Fiend Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu and when the fiend attacked Yusei sent his dragon to intercept but Stardust Dragon went right through the fiends hand "Dragon!"  Dzvezda whispers with a worried tone as the front wheel starts to fall off she somehow makes it over far enough to have the Runner slip in-between the fiends fingers but she still loses control Yusei holds onto her as they go flying backwards and he takes most of the damage caused by the tumble luckily the Runner that followed them didn't fall on top of them or they would have been worse off than they already are and Kalin rides over to them but much to his surprise Dzvezda sits up bringing a pained Yusei up with her so he still looked stronger than he felt "someday you'll learn Kal that there are some things you can't do alone!"  she whispers as she looks up into his eyes "now get out of here before Jack finds a way to land that chopper cause you know above all else he will protect me even from you! ALL of them would!"  she adds with a low growl in her tone he calls off his fiend then drives away for he knew she'd do the same for them ESPECIALLY Yusei they would all die to protect her and her female friends and she was the one he truly cared about after all those years of trying to gain her affection and approval thinking she hated him he didn't want to lose that little shining light of hope her words from this duel gave him that someday he could earn it all over again Rally and the others rush over to where Yusei and Dzvezda are as she carefully helps Yusei up "I hate to say it Crow but.... we gotta get him to Martha's!"  she says Crow chuckles then nods with a smile as she carefully lays Yusei on the back of Crow's Runner then she walks over to Yusei's Runner and starts to slowly push it Rally walks over and helps her and she smiles at him and he smiles back at her Tank and Blitz walk over and help Rally and the four of them work together to push the Runner all the way to Martha's with Nevin following nervously behind to Nevin's shock no one messed with them as they went through the most "dangerous" parts of the Satellite and they knew it was because of Dzvezda but what they didn't know was that Jack and Aaradhya were also following them in the chopper making sure they made it there safely not to mention Dzvezda knew of some "back roads/alleyways" that no one came to AND Blister was also watching over them....

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