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"Be nice Leo you respect them they'll respect you"  Dzvezda whispers before she, Aaradhya, Yusei and Leo walk into the area where the other duelists are Leo nods she kisses his cheek and Yusei's lips then walks over to Greiger and says softly "I j...

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"Be nice Leo you respect them they'll respect you"  Dzvezda whispers before she, Aaradhya, Yusei and Leo walk into the area where the other duelists are Leo nods she kisses his cheek and Yusei's lips then walks over to Greiger and says softly "I just wanted to thank you for what you did people in this city aren't very kind to those "lower" than themselves they don't care that no one gets to choose where they were born or who they born to and they hardly ever get to choose where they are allowed to stay selfishness is common everywhere you go I guess heart on the other hand is rare"  the long haired man looks up at her from where he sits he looks at her then at the man who stands behind her and asks as his eyes move back to hers "he's special to you isn't he!?!"  she replies with a smile "we're all a little special.... I mean yes, he is!"  he chuckles softly with a smile and she bows respectfully before him he bows his head in the same manner to her then says "you're welcome though I have a feeling he'd do the same for me especially with a woman like you at his side!"  she chuckles with a smirk then teases "oh I don't know about that!"  both men laugh then she and Yusei walk away so that Greiger could go back to what he was doing they pass by the "Black Rose" who once again emits a darkness which Dzvezda doesn't fully understand.... Dzvezda and Aaradhya sit on either side of Yusei watching Leo duel as Luna on the t.v. screen "he's still got a lot to learn but he's doing pretty well I just hope he doesn't get too disappointed when he loses I think this may be his first real duel"  Dzvezda says softly Yusei nods in agreement both women lay their heads on his shoulder and he smiles then kisses the top of his Star's head then lays his arms along the back of the couch they were sitting on making them smile "I wonder....!"  Dzvezda whispers Yusei looks at her then asks "you think he's testing him to see if....!?!"  she nods he hums "though in a way it's good for he's testing HIM as a duelist at the same time"  she adds he nods "I do find one thing odd though.... if he's being Luna shouldn't he have used her deck!?!.... then again....!"  she asks muttering her last two words Yusei chuckles....  the three of them leave the room and meet up with Leo when he loses and they as well as his sister and his best friend try to comfort him the best they can sensing a familiar darkness walk over to them Dzvezda stands before Leo, Luna and Dexter protectively "speak and I'll make sure you'll never be able to use your voice again coward!"  she growls at the girl Yusei looks at her with a surprised expression on his face as he says softly "Dz!"  she looks at him with narrowed eyes and his eyes widen at the sight though he knew she was basically asking him "who's side he was on!?!" the girl narrows her eyes darkly at her "you don't frighten me but if you don't learn some manners and quickly I'll show you why you should be frightened of me!"  Dzvezda threatens protectively then she says to Luna, Leo and Dexter with a soft tone "go stand by Yusei"  they nod and do as they're told "there you go your majesty!"  Dzvezda says sarcastically with a sarcastic bow as she moves out of the "queen of mean"s way Aaradhya chuckles Yusei hides a smile the girl "hmph"s then walks away with a almighty air "don't you ever do that again!"  Dzvezda growls softly pointing her finger at Yusei who whispers softly "I'm sorry!"  then he watches as his Star walks away from him in the opposite direction than the girl went and his heart squeezes in pain and his eyes become sad at the sight Aaradhya watches her friend leave with a curiously worried expression on her face for she never would have thought Dzvezda would act like that to Yusei she watches as Yusei moves away from the wall he was leaning up against and follows Dzvezda with unsure yet determined steps and she smirks when Yusei finds Dzvezda he grips her arm gently, spins her around and pins her to a wall blocking her from being able to escape his presence then lifts his other hand which hand a glitter/sparkle velvet box that looked like the night sky then opens it and inside is a ring that he made himself months ago but could "never find the right time/moment" to give to her and he asks softly as he looks into her eyes "will you marry me!?!"  she opens her mouth but out of fear of her saying no he kisses her without thinking she moans softly with a chuckle and says "I can't believe the man who would "protect his friends no matter what" tried to get me to not do the same thing!"  he sighs then says "I know I just....!"  he stops for he didn't know what else to say and he watches as she takes the ring out of the box and slides it on her ring finger he grins at the gesture for he took that to mean "yes" "no!"  she teases he laughs then kisses her again and purrs with a smile "I know you mean the opposite!"  she replies playfully "yeah cause no woman could EVER resist your "charms"!"  he chuckles "I am curious as to how you made this to fit so well even I don't know my ring size for I've never worn one before!"  she says he smiles the replies "I've held your hand so many times I've memorized its size"  she says "uh-huh!"  he chuckles "technically I can't answer yet cause I gotta get Martha's permission!"  she says he laughs his laughter dies when she adds "you know she's gonna say no!"  he replies "I don't care! this is my heart I'm following not hers!"  she smiles then kisses his lips and whispers breathlessly once she lets his lips go "yes!"  and he smiles then they leave the room hand in hand.... Yusei and Dzvezda learn that the "Black Rose"s name is Akiza Izinski when she's announced as an opponent for the next duel and once again Dzvezda and Aaradhya sit on either side of Yusei on the very same couch as before and watch her duel some guy who thinks he's a knight "ok that guy is worse than Leo when it comes to narrating his own duels!"  Dzvezda says softly Yusei chuckles Yusei has yet to let her hand go since he took it after she said yes to his marriage proposal and he squeezes it tightly when Akiza summons her Black Rose Dragon "that's her Stardust"  she whispers he nods for he now understood that each Singer seems to have a specific dragon that is "connected" to them "why does she fear it!?!"  Yusei asks "bad experiences!?!.... whether they be because of the Mark itself or something else and she just blames the Mark for them I am uncertain"  she replies with a tone that told him she was guessing he nods Greiger walks over and listens to them speak "it sure is a beauty!"  she whispers softly Yusei nods in agreement "but nothing beats our Stardust.... uh so far!"  she adds ending her words playfully he chuckles with a smile they look up when they hear Greiger chuckle as well "he's really annoying!"  Dzvezda whispers "Mm-hmm!"  Yusei agrees "and going to lose.... a small thing like her having that much anger and darkness in it can cause immense destruction!"  she adds both Yusei and Greiger look at her "I don't think she truly means to but past experiences tend to shape more of us than we like.... no I don't know about her past but there is a candle of light flickering in her darkness just waiting to be allowed to turn into an inferno!"  she says Yusei nods for even he sensed something like that within the girl "someday she may become "brave" enough to show it!"  she adds he smiles then says "I hope so!"  she replies "me too she might not be so bad if....!"  she stops when he starts laughing and she smiles at the sound "she's not just psychotic!.... I mean psychic, she's empathic she takes EVERYTHING to heart in a much deeper way than most and unlike me she's either too weak, hasn't learned or just plain hasn't and or doesn't care to "channel" that ability properly"  she says Yusei smiles at her beginning joke "perhaps your Uncle should have switched dueling opponents!"  Dzvezda teases looking over at Aaradhya who chuckles then replies "perhaps he should have!"  Greiger looks at Aaradhya with a surprised expression on his face....

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