🥀🌹🖤🖤Roses Are Black Stars Are White Get Ready For This Fight✨🌟🥊🤺

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Yusei began to wonder why Akiza sent every attack towards Dzvezda then he realized she knew that seeing his Star in pain would hurt him worse than anything for she is his Achilles Heel Dzvezda takes Yusei's hand in hers as soon as Black Rose Drago...

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Yusei began to wonder why Akiza sent every attack towards Dzvezda then he realized she knew that seeing his Star in pain would hurt him worse than anything for she is his Achilles Heel Dzvezda takes Yusei's hand in hers as soon as Black Rose Dragon is summoned and he squeezes it gently "they're not helping!"  Dzvezda whispers when the crowd once again verbally attacks Akiza then starts chanting "freak" over and over and over again "I know!"  Yusei whispers "just keep it up just keep putting me down I know it makes you feel good but now let me show you what makes me feel good! its time to show you what misery really is! my whole life, I've tried to ignore all the teasing and name calling, but you can't ignore the pain that it causes forever, Yusei I'll make them stop!"  Akiza says "the only way to make them stop is to prove them wrong but you're not going to do that you're going to prove them right! I don't know the full affect of what's happened to you what your so called friends have done to you but this is NOT who you truly are!"  Dzvezda replies "and what do you know about me!?!"  Akiza asks "more than you think!"  Dzvezda says Akiza's eyes widen as Yusei squeezes Dzvezda's hand gently either looking for comfort or giving her comfort or both as Yusei summoned Junk Synchron he didn't realize that Dzvezda had pulled a card from his deck with a smile until she handed it to him with a smirk and he realized he wasn't the only one who didn't notice and that made him smile and as usual she gave him a card he'll need soon THEIR Stardust Dragon and after he saw what the card she gave him was he tuned his Synchron with his warrior so he could synchro summon their dragon and Dzvezda pats her/his claw with a smile the dragon looks down at her and nudges her cheek with its nose and Yusei smiles at the unique sight before him for that has never been known to happen before "so.... are they gonna dance now!?!"  she asks Yusei then she says to Stardust "I'd be careful she likes to step on toes!"  Yusei chuckles as the dragon looks at her then his claw and back at her making her chuckle as well she waves her hands down at her feet and the dragon looks down and sees them bare and Yusei could have sworn he saw the dragon roll his/her eyes at her "you brought out that dragon to remind me of all the pain that detestable Mark on my arm has caused me? why would you do that? do you really believe that because we both have this Mark in common you know what I'm feeling and what I've been through?"  Akiza asks as she places her hand on the arm that has her Mark "I'm just showing you you're not as different as you think! I don't have to be an enemy, I could be your friend!"  Yusei replies ".."friend"? who says I want a friend?" we both have these stupid Marks and no matter what we do, we'll always be outcasts"  Akiza says "she says that like it's a bad thing!"  Dzvezda mutters Yusei chuckles softly as Akiza continues "get it? our fate is to be alone"  her eyes lock on Yusei and Dzvezda's entwined hands as she speaks still not seeing that she's wrong and she says "my family, my classmates, everyone I've ever known I've hurt that's why having friends isn't a choice it's something that I can never do and that's why it's so much easier to wear a mask"  Dzvezda whispers softly through her teeth "see a delusional coward!"  Yusei says softly through his teeth "Dz!"  she replies "what!?! she can't hear me!"  he chuckles softly as they were speaking Akiza continues raising her Black Rose mask up to her face as she speaks "it's amazing how little you care about other people when you live behind a wall of plaster and paint, even if it is only the size of your face and so I dueled with it.... I won with it and I lived with it"  Dzvezda whispers "you hid behind it! hell you still do!"  as Akiza continues "some have said it's time to move on, to "show my true face to the world" because maybe then people wouldn't fear my abilities maybe then I could live a normal life, or at least as close to normal as people like us can get maybe even have a friend but you heard the crowd, didn't you, Yusei? they don't understand me"  Dzvezda whispers "YOU don't understand YOU! you fear your abilities and in turn people fear them, you use them improperly and don't seem to care enough to learn how to use them a different way YOU have done this to you not them YOU!! what's worse you don't even know what your "true face" is so there's no way for anyone else to see it!"  Yusei looks at her "oh don't you worry your handsome head she stopped listening to me ages ago!"  she says he smiles then asks "then why are you whispering?!"  she replies "because her delusion might break and I might make things worse she's calmed down a bit.... the darkness is there but as I said I don't think it's her and since you want to help her so badly I figured I'd stop speaking out loud so you could continue to attempt the impossible!"  he chuckles with a smile as she was speaking so was Akiza who didn't seem to realize that another conversation was happening as she spoke "80,000 people are shouting they're afraid of me!"  Yusei replies "don't listen to them! listen to me!"  then he says to Dzvezda through his teeth "hush!"  Dzvezda chuckles "I need my mask! why are you trying to help me, Yusei?"  Akiza asks "because I know you! WE know you!"  he replies looking at his Star when he says "we" then back at Akiza who asks "you know who? the scared girl? maybe the face behind the mask?"  Yusei replies "I know what it's like to be the outcast! I'm from the Satellite! you think people here liked what they saw in me?! you can't stay afraid! you can't hide behind a mask forever!"  Akiza says "you're wrong"  after a small pause Yusei attacks with Stardust Dragon he feels Dzvezda squeeze his hand gently and he squeezes back as his, Luna's, Akiza's and Jack's Marks react to Stardust's attack and he calls out to Akiza "don't wear that mask!"  Stardust Dragons attack hits Black Rose Dragon destroying her "sorry, but I've already made my decision I.... need the mask without it it's too easy to be hurt"  Akiza replies as she puts on her mask "listen"  Yusei says but Akiza the "weak and pathetic" coward is now Black Rose the evil witch and the "true" battle begins but what kind of battle is it?! a inner battle between the two parts of Akiza trying to win a spot on the outside or a battle between witch and "knight" which Dzvezda teasingly refereed her Dragon as earlier....

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