Rev It Up!

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OC name meaning and origin


According to=

origin: Slavic

name root: *GVĚZDA > ZVIJEZDA / ZVEZ(DA)

other scripts: Macedonian (Ѕвезда)

This name derives from the Slavonic "zvijezda / zvez(da)", which in turn derives from the Proto-Slavic "*gvězda", meaning "star". In Slavic mythology the Zorya (Zora, Zarya, Zory, Zore) meaning "dawn" and Zvezda, Zwezda, meaning "star" are the two guardian goddesses, known as the Auroras. They guard and watch over the doomsday hound, Simargl, who is chained to the star Polaris in the constellation Ursa Minor, the "little bear".

Iris (middle name):

In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Iris (/ˈaɪrɪs/; EYE-riss; Greek: Ἶρις, translit. Îris, lit. "rainbow,"[1] Ancient Greek: [îːris]) is a daughter of the gods Thaumas and Electra, the personification and goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods, a servant to the Olympians and especially Queen Hera.[2] Iris appears in several stories carrying messages from and to the gods or running errands, but has no unique mythology of her own. Similarly, very little to none of a historical cult and worship of Iris is attested in surviving records, with only few traces surviving from the island of Delos. In ancient art, Iris is depicted as a winged young woman carrying a caduceus, the symbol of the messengers, and a pitcher of water for the gods. Iris was traditionally seen as the consort of Zephyrus, the god of the west wind and one of the four Anemoi, by whom she is the mother of Pothos in some versions.

Aurora (last name):

 Aurora is girl's name of Latin origin meaning "dawn".

Aurora is the name of the Roman goddess of sunrise whose tears turned into the morning dew. She was said to renew herself by traveling from East to West across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun each dawn. Aurora is also associated with the scientific term for the Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis.

Etymology of Yusei's name according to=

Yusei's last name Fudo, means "steadfast" and "unmovable".

His first name Yusei means "planet" or "planetary" (from the planetary gears that operated Ener-D); he connects all of the other gears, which represent his friends.

Dr. Fudo named his son Yusei after the Planetary Particle (Yūsei Ryūshi), as he wished for Yusei to be able to connect people with bonds


Dzvezda and Yusei worked together to make his Duel Runner she even teasingly made a suggestion to him as they worked on it "I know it's probably illegal to make this beast a two seater but perhaps we could make a little extra room in the back for when you want me to ride with you!"  she coos with a smile "good idea!"  he replies with a smile then he softly kisses her lips and that was exactly what he did he constantly had her sit behind him when he was configuring how he wanted the back to look so he could measure how much room he needed to make sure she could sit as comfortably as possible with him on his "Yusei Go" Duel Runner he loves the feeling of her arms wrapping around his waist gently as she sat behind him on it and she would smile when she felt his body vibrate as it quivered as she did so once he had it "close to perfection" he took it out for at test drive but tried to make her stay behind "I don't want you getting hurt!"  he tells her gently "I'll be alright I have you to protect me! and with no one else here I'd rather....! not only that but I have to get used to the feel of it as well and there's no better way to do that then....!"  she replies softly he smiles then nods with a hum he climbs on then pats "her spot" on the Runner she smiles then climbs on behind him and automatically wraps her arms around his waist which makes his body quiver softly "you ready?!"  he asks "yes"  she replies his body quivers again at the sound of her soft celestially dulcet tones.... Yusei of course becomes worried about her when his Runner starts spitting out sparks she hugs him as he turns the Runner sideways as it comes to a stop but as usual he felt no fear he did however sense her excitement as the drove which made him smile "come on I'll help!"  she says as she climbs off he smiles shaking his head then they both work together to walk his Runner back to where they had started Yusei chuckles when he sees his "Star" (Dzvezda) roll her eyes at the television broadcast of their ex-friend Jack Atlas' win "turn that headache off before I barf all over you!"  she tells the guys listening to the broadcast three guys stand up and look at her then quickly turn the t.v. off and say hi in there usual way Nervin, Blitz and Tank and they basically get ignored as Yusei and Dzvezda.... or Z/Zve/Zvez as they call her.... go straight to work on fixing the Runner "so, where you two been?"  Tank asks "I'd tell ya but then I'd have to beat ya and since I don't duel I get to do it in the "fun" way!"  Dzvezda jokes Yusei chuckles softly as Tank's eyes widen in fear "the tunnels, testing a new acceleration chip"  Yusei tells Tank "way to ruin my fun Dragon!"  Dzvezda teases he chuckles then kisses her lips with a smile his eyes widen as he kisses her when he figures out what their friends might have been thinking they were doing wherever they were "maybe later!"  he coos with a corner smirk she chuckles at the three men watching them blush when their minds go where Yusei's mind went there wasn't a man in Domino City who didn't want what Yusei has ESPECIALLY when it came to her the worst of the bunch.... so far is the ex-friend of Yusei himself Jack Atlas who used his own friend to gain himself some popularity and get out of the "slums" where Yusei is still stuck in though it isn't so bad since his Star and so many of his other friends are still there he would never survive without either "so, are you gonna if the new chip worked out or what?"  Tank asks bringing the conversation "back to normal" "if it worked out do you think we'd walked it back then worked on it again!?!"  Dzvezda asks "I guess not!"  Tank replies "say your next words carefully Tank!"  Dzvezda growls through her teeth Tank looks confused then his lips become a "O" shape.... the "poor man" is not the "brightest bulb/crayon in the box" and doesn't think before he speaks Dzvezda likes him but her patience for his personality runs thin a lot.... "hey Ral"  Dzvezda says when she hears the familiar footfalls and huffs of a boy that gets mistaken for a girl far too often named Rally rush as fast as his feet could fly over to them "hey Zda"  Rally replies with a smile in his tone knowing who was with her since she and Yusei are rarely ever seen apart he calls out as he gets closer to where they are "Yusei! hey, Yusei! I got somethin for ya!"  once he reaches Yusei and Dzvezda he reaches into his pocket and searches for something with a smile on his face once he finds it he pulls it out and hands it to him as he says "check it out a Skylon-30 acceleration chip"  Dzvezda looks at the chip in her friends hand with a worried expression on her face for she wondered who left it around for Rally to find though if she truly thought about it she would know then again Yusei had as many enemies as he did friends especially with the so called officers of Domino City so it really could be just about anyone "that's a Skylon? aren't those incredibly expensive?"  Nervin asks Blitz grips Rally's wrist gently as he takes a closer look at the chip in the boys hand "huh?"  Rally says as Blitz raises his arm up so he could get a even closer look at the chip "it looks like it's never been used don't tell me you stole this"  Blitz says "it could have easily fallen out of someone's pocket it's small and lightweight enough that it probably won't get noticed till whoever dropped it check their pockets now let go of his wrist before I break yours!"  Dzvezda threatens Blitz quickly drops Rally's wrist Rally smiles at her grateful that once again the woman he's considered a older sister since he's met her stood up for him "even so....!"  Blitz says "it's better in our hands than one of the others who live in this place!"  Dzvezda tells him "true!"  he replies with a half shrug "Rally, let me see that"  Yusei says as he holds out his hand for Rally to place the chip in it which he does Yusei looks down at the chip in his hand and says "this is just what I needed"  he looks at his Star who nods with a smile he smiles at her then walks over to THEIR Runner "you can't use that, Yuse"  Nervin says as Yusei works on putting the chip in his Runner "you've got to make Rally take it back"  Blitz adds "sorry boys once it's in it stays in!"  Dzvezda says Yusei smirks "naughty!"  Dzvezda coos Yusei chuckles Rally looks at them oddly then blushes once he figures out where minds went Dzvezda chuckles and pats him on the shoulder and he smiles then says excitedly "I knew you'd like it I knew it! will it make you faster?"  Dzvezda replies with a smile "y'all need to learn some patience!"  Rally chuckles then blushes rubbing the back of his head and mutters sheepishly "sorry!"  Dzvezda smiles at him making him grin "so.... we ready!?!"  Dzvezda asks her "Dragon" with a smile Rally chuckles as Yusei replies as he programs the new chip into his Runner "almost"  Dzvezda says softly "just be careful knowing how expensive that chip is they probably placed a tracker inside it"  Yusei replies "it'll be alright my Star"  just then the computer buzzes Yusei looks over at the screen then at his Star and nods his head "oh, no you should have this honor my Dragon!"  she says he replies with a soft smile "I put it in you turn it on"  she raises an eyebrow at him and he laughs she smiles then does as she was told and tests out the new chip by turning the Runner on and revving the engine and those around her gasp at the sound of its powerful "roar"....

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