🎥📸📹Gaining All The Attention They Never Wanted🗒️📰📺

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After making sure Jack was ok Dzvezda and Yusei head back to the arena where they knew a crowd would be waiting to see their new "King" Aaradhya stayed with the unconscious Jack never leaving his side no matter what and as Rex's "spoiled" niece she got what she wanted.... thanks to the fact that he had his Star by his side Yusei faced the jeering crowd and the media one spoke from the stands and the other rushed over like a tidal wave ready to swallow him whole though thanks to Tanner the stampede of reporters never made it over to them for Tanner knew of some abandoned underground service tunnels so they and all their friends walked it chatting quietly about whatever came to mind.... Aaradhya made sure that no one entered Jack's hospital room she even "became brave" and rested at his side on the bed with her body laying up against his which she found to be very comforting she didn't rest for long because she knew the reporters would try to find a way into the room.... she added a lock to the doors and windows so even the doctors had to knock just to be able to come in.... and she didn't want to get caught laying in his bed for the rumors alone would piss her off and nobody wants that.... "Dragon!.... someone's nearby!"  Yusei hears Dzvezda say softly as she looks out the widow of the garage they call home for now while everyone else was asleep he walks over to her he sees her shiver and asks "what do you sense!?!"  she whispers "evil!"  he looks at her with wide eyes "well if I said "darkness" you'd probably have fantasies of a threesome so!"  she teases he laughs softly then walks over to her and kisses her lips then says softly with a smile "I don't feel that way about her"  she replies "yeah, sure you don't!"  he looks at her with sad eyes then sees her smirk and he shakes his head with a smile then kisses her lips "I think he's looking for you"  she says softly nodding her head at his Mark "is that why....!?!"  he asks softly "well there's no light without darkness so I wouldn't be surprised if there are Singers that are the opposite of you"  she replies he nods "maybe that's what the spider was"  she adds he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "well.... there's one way to find out!"  she says as she takes his hand and leads him outside and when they get there the see a guy in a hood stare at them with wide eyes like he wasn't expecting to see them so soon and the guy starts running and Yusei chases after him "actually it looks more like an ant!"  Yusei hears Dzvezda say he looks at her "his arm glowed purple didn't you see it!?!"  she asks he shakes his head then says "wait.... purple!?!"  she replies with a half teasing tone "maybe they have a Violet Spider instead of a Crimson Dragon!"  he shivers she chuckles he smiles Yusei relied on his Star's "senses" to find the "stalker" and he let her lead him wherever she sensed the evil/darkness and they find the hooded figure in a abandoned parking garage the guy once again seemed surprised when Dzvezda turned to face him as he tried to sneak up on Yusei who felt her gently pull on his hand turned around to face the stranger and says "you shouldn't sneak up on people like that"  Dzvezda whispers teasingly "but it's fun!"  and he chuckles softly the hooded stranger looks at them oddly "who are you? I saw the glow on your arm are you the fifth Signer?"  Yusei asks "I am a Shadow Drone, and if you seek the truth, then my master says you must duel me for it"  the hooded stranger replies with a echoed voice that must be amplifying through a mic or something Dzvezda looks at Yusei and whispers as she gives his hand a light squeeze "do what you think is best I'm not going anywhere!"  he nods then turns his Duel Disk on and prepares for a duel and a circle of purple smoke-like fire surrounds them "who are you, and what's going on?"  Yusei asks the robed stranger who replies "you and I have been offered up by the light and placed inside the Energy Ring of the Eternal Shadow I'm afraid there's no turning back now"  Dzvezda whispers "he acts like we should know what he's talking about!"  Yusei chuckles he watches as she places her fingers into the flame "it's cold!"  she whispers with a surprised tone.... he was surprised she slide her fingers over it.... "I was curious!"  she whispers with a shrug he chuckles "be careful there's something strange about this fire!"  she warns he nods just then the robed stranger summons his first monster and Yusei turns his attention to the duel and soon finds out that the ring makes the duel deal real damage just like Akiza's abilities do and he learns that there are dark tuners as well.... while the duel was going on Dzvezda's attention turns to something that was outside of it "what!?!"  Yusei asks "curious!"  she whispers "Dz!"  he says softly "I think we have an audience!"  she tells him he looks at her "no, not them someone I don't know!"  she tells him he nods "hopefully she doesn't get hurt!"  she whispers and he becomes worried "must be a journalist.... they are the overly curious sort that like to stick there nose where it don't belong!"  she says softly he chuckles "I'll be right back"  she says Yusei looks at her then sees her walk through the fire and over to another shadow that stand on the other side of it and his eyes widen in surprise.... "ever heard of contacts!?!"  Dzvezda teases the girl on the other side of the fire who stares at her in shock "I would not recommend trying that young lady!"  Dzvezda says "and I wasn't trying to be rude it's just.... those glasses don't suit you and I bet you have really pretty eyes and those monstrous things hide them!"  she tells the girl who blushes "I'm Dzvezda Iris Aurora-Fudo"  Dzvezda introduces trying out Yusei's last name with hers.... it was a little odd.... "Carly Carmine"  the girl replies she takes a better look at the gorgeous woman before her and says with a soft surprised tone "wait!.... you're the girl who was with the new Dueling Champion!?!"  Dzvezda nods then says "I will not be answering any of your questions I have more important things to worry about!"  her eyes return to her Dragon who is now on the other side of the flame Carly looks disappointed but nods "and I would recommend you didn't tape this duel who knows what his opponent and his friends would do to you if they found out!"  Dzvezda says Carly gulps then watches with wide eyes as Dzvezda walks back through the fire and over to Yusei's side Dzvezda smirks for she knew the girl wasn't going to listen to her last warning Yusei sees her smirk and asks "what!?!"  she replies nodding her head over at Carly "I was right she's a "internet sensation" who dreams of being "the real thing".... I warned her not to record but I know she's gonna do it anyway!"  he smiles "oh and I tried out your last name.... hyphenated but still it was.... weird.... though I like weird!"  she tells him he chuckles then coos with a smirk "yes you do!"  she smiles then kisses his lips "I'm glad you came back"  he whispers "I said I would didn't I?!"  she replies he smiles then kisses her lips "now.... get ready for your close-up!"  she teases he laughs then takes his turn....

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