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Next day, new morning, It's a new same day. But I feel different. I feel beautiful. I think because I can't forgetting about yesterday night. It's really amazing night. I kept smiling when I think about it. Because of that, Baylee is little worried because of my mood. Why am I smiling like a manic for no reason. But, I got it. It's not her fault that I didn't tell her about that. Probably because she is sleeping when I entered in a room. If she is awake, then I have no choice and tell her.

When I entered at the school, everyone is very busy talking about something that we don't know. When we meet our group, we ask, "What's going on? Really."

Stacy replied, "They're hosting a party."

I ask like a normal person ask, "Who?" But there reaction is obvious, I got it and I answered to myself, "It's always him and who else host the party that the entire school got crazy." When Nicolo surprisedly hugged me by coming from back and kissed me in my cheeks and say very sweetly, that I got blushed, "Good morning, princess." But everyone tease us and Erick say, "Please, don't act like a lovey-dovey in-front of us. Not everyone has a girlfriend."

When Shelby teasingly say, "Hey, don't say like that. Then, they will not show up in-front of us when they busy in their romance in alone."

I embarrassed by this comment and add in annoyedly, "Please, guys just stop teasing us."

Shelby add, "We will stop, when you two focus on main thing and don't distract us by your lovey-dovey stuff."

When Nicolo ask curiously, "What I miss so much important?"

Erick replied, "Sarah and his Brother hosting a party on behalf of team, If team get wins."

He say like it's not a big deal, "What so big deal about it. It's just a party."

When Stacy add, "It's not just a party, when it comes to Sarah, it's always big. Now, they're hosting a grand party if team wins. And she also invite us. And when It comes to Sarah, it's always something in it, it can be fun, drama or revenge."

When Nicolo say, "So, what about so big in it inviting us."

I add to Stacy's line, "That's a thing, when she invite us. It's always something big, waiting for us. We can't say anything until we see it. But for now, our main focus is you guys win the match. So, don't think about this stupid party."

Everyone agreed.

When Erick casually ask, "Well, it's almost few days that Charlie skip his class in his whole school history."

Haiden also add, "Yes, it's odd. He didn't do that. Can we all go to his place to check on him if he is okay. And also, he feels good about it if we all go together."

Everyone seems to agree. So, we decided to go Charlie's place after school.


We're at Charlie's house, his Mom open the door. He is not at home at am moment. He went for a walk. So, his mom give us some snacks and drink while waiting for him. His mom call him to tell, we're at his place. He came back, when he heard, we're here.

He surprised that we all came together. But we also feel bad that we came late to meet him for ensuring he is okay.

When he sit down, he said, "Why you all here together. What's the occasion?" like nothing is happened to him. When his mom say, "I think you all need some space. And his mom went to her room. When Haiden say, "Why you saying like that? You know, why we here?"

When he say arrogantly, "Oh! Really. I think, you forgot because some new dude come in. You're like, I'm not exist."

When Nicolo say sympathy, "I'm sorry, if you ever feeling like that. But, I'm sorry."

When Haiden also nodded and add more to Nicolo's apology, "Yes, We're also sorry. If you feel like that. But it's not like that, we're just got busy. But we're worried about you. That's why We here together."

Charlie got stand up and say, "But I didn't see that. You are here because you feel like, I'm a poor guy who need sympathy. But I'm sorry, I don't need your sympathy now. So, leave me alone." But He say the last part looking at me like I forget about him.

So, I wanted to say something but he didn't Let me say and leave.

When I look at Nicolo with pleasing eyes and he nodded and approved me to clear all this situation.

I ran after Charlie and tried to stop him. After a few attempt, I successes and he stopped running. When I came near him, I gasped heavily, "You are very good at running. My knees gave out by following you all the way, here."

HE say, "Then, who said to run after me." When he saw, I'm exhausted after running, he say "You're exhausted. Sit here."

WE both sit. After gathering some strength, I say, "I get, you're mad at us and at me. But we can talk about it. And what the problem is, we can solve it."

He add, "You really want to hear it."

I nodded. Then he say, "It's you. It's you, I'm mad at most."

I say, "I get it when you say last part looking at me before leaving from house. But I didn't get, why. And for that, why you're skipping your school."

"You don't get that."


Then he continued, "Because I like you. And I also think, you like me. Well, everyone think. You always around me talking, laughing and playing. But after, Nicolo came, everything change, I think I don't exist or not important for you like back then."

First, I surprised because I didn't think this. But, then, I feel bad if he ever feel this, So I say, "First, I'm sorry, I didn't know that my act feel you like, I like you. But, I can say that everyone misses you and Nicolo didn't take your place."

He add, "And you."

I say in nervously, "Of course, I miss you but as a friend. You are very good friend for me. And I really appreciate that. And never wanna change that. So, I'm sorry if you ever feel like my kind act like that and I hurt you. But I still hope, we still be good friends and you find someone more beautiful and kind than me or it can also be that it's near you but you didn't see her."

He say, "But It's not you."

I say with small smile, "But you find better than me."


The Blind-Folded Dancing BoothOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora