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I wake up early than usual time and freshen up. I got ready quickly and waiting for Baylee to get ready. It's very special day for boys. So, we have to be there to cheer them from starting. Honestly, We're little excited and nervous. It's first time for us to watch a game which is important for your boyfriend. It's very overwhelming for us also.

After a 15mins walking, we got there on time. They're warming up. Actually, they also come early practice. When we went there, they got surprised and hug. And we say hugging, "Hey! I don't expect this reaction. But I like it."

He also whispered, "I also don't expect, you come this early."

"Well, It's pretty big deal for you. So, I have to come early and cheer for you."

He got melted and kiss me in my cheeks. "I really apricate it."

I blushed and pretty surprised. But I like it. It's sweet.

The coach come, and everyone in their position. And we went to chair stand. When the coach blow the whistle, they started jogging in a line. Well, they need a strength for a match. It's even a practice home match. But, from both two teams, there is only selected eleven player, one must be a goalkeeper. Because in next match, we are fighting against rival school. Their players are very talented and skilled. We never beat them. They always win. So, this time, the coach and the principal is really anxious. And they really want this time to win. They want a glory victory for old time sake. So, even the slightest mistake, you're out, you have no chance to stand.

They done warm up. And the seat started to fill. This match is in the school. So, there are only students, parents and teacher. Today, the school is off because it's Saturday. So, everyone invited to cheer their schoolmates.


After rest for moment, the coach blows the whistle and everyone went to their position. The game about to start any minute. But, it got pause, because Sarah and Aiden is not come yet. After waiting for 20mins straight, they came eventually. But no one complain about them because their parents are very well known person. So, the coach also not say them much. So, Aiden went drop off their thing to stand where his sister sitting, now. Well, when he dropped, Sarah something say to him in his ears. And he went back to his position. When the game actually about to start, he say something to coach in his ears. It's suspicious. And after that Coach went to Nicolo and say something to him. I can guess, what's going on? After talking to coach, his face got dull and he sit down in the stand. It's means, they're not letting him play and I know why. I am getting angry for it. I stand up from my sit in angry and going towards Nicolo. When someone got in my way purposely. I say in angry, "Don't get in my way, Sarah. I don't in a mood to talk with you."

She add teasingly which getting me more angry, but I handle it while I hurting myself with my nails, "Oh! Why you're in a bad mood? Because you are unlucky for your boyfriend. Because of you, he's not getting to play. I feel sorry for you, you can't do anything except consoling. But let me tell you something, Consoling can't do anything. I have a advice for you, breakup with me, and he will do anything , what he wants. But he can't, if you with him." And she smirked at me, totally devilish.

So, I add in her tone, "I have abetter idea, Stop dreaming about him, because what're you thinking. Isn't gonna happen? Okay, Good girl."

And I straight went to Nicolo and ignoring Sarah, what she threat tell me. Because I'm not that girl who break up with his boyfriend so easily because she didn't have strength to hold on their relationship, just because some evil witch witch tell them.

I went near to Nicolo and sit near to him and brushing his finger gently, to ensure him, I'm there for you, always. I add, "Hey! You don't have to worry. I know, it's very big. But you don't have to be disappointed."

He say in low voice, "I'm glad, you're feel same as I did. But, I didn't think, this is coming. I thought, I got a chance for this."

I add, "So, you will get chance."

He turns to me and add, "How, I miss the chance."

I add confidently, "Who said, you miss it. You will get chance in second round."

"How you so sure?

I say with bright smile, "I will make it happen."

HE got a smile when I ensure him he will play and add, "You don't have to do that. I am glad, you're thinking for me. But you don't have to do."

I say, "I know. But I want to do and second, it's all happen to you because of me in a first place. And I feel bad for it."

He ask confusingly, "I don't get, why you think what is happening, is all happening because of you, in first place."

I just have a one word, "Sarah." And It's enough for solving the puzzle for him.

He agrees with me, "Yes, It's all make sense. But, still, how you will make it happen?

"Oh! For that you don't have to worry about, I handle it. You will just get ready. Okay."

"I believe in you."

"Then, I go to Coach for a talk. And you just believe in yourself like I do."

I went to coach after couraging Nicolo, got him in senses again. First, I am just standing their watching game like a Coach. After, calculating something, I came to conclusion. I know, what I have to do. So, I start talking to coach with a simple question which is very fit to situation and it's also stood strategy for me. "Sir, Are you not nervous that how can we win?"

The coach looks at me like he will eat me alive after hearing me. But it goes well, he still wants to win that don't matter who play. So, I continued with my plan. "I am just saying that we didn't win match from that school, a single match. So, it's a lot pressure. Because as I can see, this team as no unity, the captain is passing only his friend even who's not that good. Haiden is very good goaler. But he didn't get a ball to call. Their so good defender at a team, but they didn't get a ball because they have no unity. AS, you can see you didn't let Nicolo play, but also know he is good player like a Haiden. But he didn't get a chance. I can see the future that this team can't stand a chance if you can change the captain, replace some player in team. You know, what I am saying."

And I leave dramatically. Leave Coach to think hardly. Well, it's a truth. From Aiden captaincy, we can't win even if Nicolo had a chance or not.


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