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Today, Ashlyn is sleeping peacefully in her bed. Ashlyn is cradling a pillow to her chest. When the sun beam in the soft white gold light of the new day, beaming through her blinds causing her to open her eyes. She slowly waking up from very good night sleep after very long time. She sits down on her bed and close her eyes and feeling warm sunrays in her face. When she realises, someone blocking a sun ray and open her eyes and now, she fully awakes up. But, when Ashlyn saw, it's Baylee. She quickly pulls her to sit down and face her and curiously asked her, "So, what happen? What he said to you? I need every information about your first date."

Baylee blushed when Ashlyn used word date. But she controls her feelings and say, "He proposed me and" Ashlyn curiously seeing her and waiting for whole story. But when Baylee stop, she curiously say, "and..."

Baylee continued again with shyly voice, "And He ask me to be his Girlfriend."

Ashlyn surprised and say, "Really, did he really ask you?

Baylee nodded.

Ashlyn says in cheerful and happy voice, "Oh, Baylee! I'm happy for you. You deserved to be happy."

And Baylee add, "Thanks. And I also want you be happy also." And they hugged each other tightly and happy tears.

After a few moments, Ashlyn say this to Baylee, while they hugging, "I think we should ready for school or we late for school."

Baylee agreed and say, "Yes, and well you don't want to go school with this crying face."

They stopped hugging and Ashlyn quickly went to bathroom and say, "Give me 10mins. I'll be ready for school in 10mins."

Baylee said, "Okay."


When Ashlyn and Baylee on their way to school, Baylee tells about her small date with Haiden. They went to buy ice-cream on their first date in the night and do some little chit-chat. It's romantic. But, the highlight of the today is Baylee and Haiden is going to dating each other in school and it's official. It's first day for them together as a couple. I'm sure if Baylee is nervous, then Haiden also feels nervous. And it's gonna be awkward for everyone. Because everyone knows, both are little bit introvert and when two introvert date each other, then it's more awkward. So, I hope everything goes well.

Ashlyn and Baylee arrived at the school. And they are going to cross the school gate. But we saw someone, waiting there. And when we look closely, It's Haiden. Haiden is waiting for Baylee at the school gate. It's Adorable. I really love this sweet gesture and tease Baylee, a little bit, when we went that way.

When we got there, Baylee ask to Haiden, "Why are you here, didn't you want to go in?"

Haiden replied straightforwardly and leaving Baylee blushed. "I'm waiting for you."

But Haiden saw that she is blushing and say, "You know that when you blush, you look so cute. I'm even curious How can a person be that cute."

And hearing this, she got really red and I also melting from their cute romance. Well, they are getting along very well. They even notice, I'm standing there. But, you know, I hate doing this, but I do. And also, it's fun to see when we tease them to stop being this adorable.

Well, I say, "Guys, I'm also here. So, if you two love birds stop, we've to go to class."

When they both come to their reality. Haiden finally greet me and say, "Good Morning, Ashlyn. I didn't see you." While facing to Baylee. So, yay, I replied with bang. I mean I don't miss the opportunity to tease him and it's best time. "Yaay. Of course. How can you see me when your all attention is on my sister. You know right, I am her real sister."

From this, his reaction like he screwed up. And finally seeing to me in my face and apologised, "I didn't mean to offend you. But, I'm really sorry." I was like, He's so cute, he also thinks I am serious. So, I'm laughing very hard and so do Baylee. When he saw what's happening? Why we laughing? He looks totally confuse. So, Baylee tells her that I am just playing around. I am just teasing him. When he also smiled awkwardly and say, "I see."

After a pause, He said, "Oh, I forgot. I have something for you."

Baylee say curiously, "For me."

He says while he finding in his pocket. "Yes. Wait, It's here...... Here." And give it to her. Baylee still seeing him curiously, why he gives her a Lollipop. When he says, "Isn't it your favourite flavour."

Baylee answered quickly if he didn't think stupid, "Yes, it is. But I didn't say this to bring me this."

"Well, I know. You didn't. But I want to. Can't I give it my girlfriend her favourite lollipop, without asking her."

"No. Of course, You can."

"And also, I am thinking about you when I passing from grocery store, When I see this. And I buy it for you."


He nodded. And Baylee can't resist and hug her and say, "Thanks for the Lollipop and for this lovely gesture."

When I again interrupt because I know this will going on and on. "Well. You done. Can we go for the class?" And they both stop hugging each other and went to class

Now, everyone quietly reading their English literature book. Where one is reading loudly and Mam is also busy in her phone. So, no one, mostly, no one is interested in reading text book.

When Nicolo lean towards Ashlyn left shoulder and whisper in her ear, "Hey, do you remember, right. About our plan."

Ashlyn totally got off-guard, when he whispers in her ears with his deep voice, "What?" like What he just said. And also, Nicolo can also see in her face that she is totally shocked. "You are tutoring me, today. Did you forget about this?"

"No, I didn't. I just thinking about my event."

"Well, then are you coming, right."

"Yes, I am. But when you wanted me to tutor you."


"Um... Sure."

"Then, I will wait for you. Don't be forget." Ashlyn blushed when Nicolo says this so cutely.

"Yay, I am not going to forget. Okay."

"Yes, and I can't wait till 5O' clock.", Nicolo says while he seeing Ashlyn straight to her face with bright smile. Ashlyn feels flustered, How Nicolo ask her. How Nicolo act around her, she always feels overwhelmed, happy and smile a lot. It's strange.


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