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When we're heading back to school, Nicolo stops walking in front of me and turn back to me and ask nervously, "Are we dating now?"

I smiled when he asked nervously, he looks so cute and adorable. And I answered while wrapping my hands with his, "Don't you think?"

He blushed. When I warmly tight my grip in his hands, "Do you wanna go out after school for a Date?"

He answered quickly with bright eyes, "Yes, I will go."

I smiled, how he childishly got excited for going out. It's very beautiful day for me. When we entered in the cafeteria for joining our group. But everyone reaction is like a shocking and especially Sarah is like she gonna fire the whole school. She is that jealous. But Nicolo introduces our relationship like a big announcement. He climbs up to the table and say very loudly and clearly to all, "I'm officially in a relationship with very beautiful girl, Ashlyn. We're officially started dating. So, don't think you have any chance, she is mine." And I am totally blushing and little embarrassed. When he got down from the table, I whisper to him, "You have to seriously pull this stunt. Isn't to big announcement for just this relationship."

But he says with locking our eyes to each other with love, "It's not just the relationship. It's very special and precious relationship for me with you." I blushed. But we got interrupt by our friends.

Everyone gathered around us with curiousness, waiting for reply us, is what he just says it's true or not.

So, we both say in sync like a two love birds, "We're dating."

We both smiled to each other. But, Now, everything is going to normal and teasing us just like they did with Baylee and Haiden. We're not exception. And they state the fact, "actually, we think from the moment, we saw you two together, that you're gonna fall in love with this progress. But we didn't know that fast, we thought that it's not gonna easy for you. You know, The Sarah's drama, right. But you look at you two lovey-dovey, It' good."

Well, everyone knows, What Sarah is capable of. We have to be careful, if we really want this work.


Well, At home, Baylee and me talking about my propose thing. We're really talking about this a long hour. And at the end, we made conclusion that 'We can do a double date. It's cool, right."

And we're doing sister sleepover. We're gossiping, giggling and laughing till the sun rise. It's gonna be a long night. And probably, we're gonna passed out cold and snuggled up together under covers, and smiled when we remember this. Sometimes recreate this moment with some popcorn and movies.

After a long time, I have a very good sleep. Because it rarely happens that everything going so smoothly. Every good thing happening with me. I'm so happy, right now. I don't want to change things. I hope this new sunshine is also with lots of happiness.


We're in our class, everyone is sitting in circle and talking about upcoming practice match of football which is on next day from today. It means tomorrow. And this practice match is also deciding the final player who is going to fight against to opposite team in official match. It's hard for both Nicolo and Haiden. Both are very good player.

The bell rings. Everyone settles in their chair, when Mam came in.

But, when everyone gathers in lunch break, we feel something is missing. We didn't know, but we can sense that. When I recall, what's that. Then, I said, "Is Charlie who's missing in a group."

"When Erick also says, "Yes, His dumb little question is missing."

When everyone laughs. But Stacy curiously asks me especially, "Ashlyn, by any chance, you know why he didn't come."

Well, my answer is simple, "If I know, why I say he is the one who's missing in group."

Stacy says in defence, "I just ask because you're close to him than anyone else. He mostly shares thing with you."

Everyone nodded. And Erick also passes his stupid comment, "Actually, if you didn't end up with Nicolo. Then, we think, it's gonna be a Charlie. But who knows, right."

But Haiden grab him and make his mouth shut and stop him to say nonsense. But, after this everyone is got silent. To break this silent, I say, "Guys, please. It's not true. And I'm not mad. So, just start eating your lunch, already. Dig in."

And after lightened a mood, I turned to face Nicolo and checking his mood, if he is okay or not. Well, I didn't blame to mad at this, it's only a second day, and he is listening if I have an also feeling for someone else. But I will make it to him. But I first ensure the situation between us. When I see his face, he didn't seem mad but his eyes not that bright, it usual looks. So, I leaned towards his shoulder and whisper in his ears, "Meet me at the library, in the last period." And winked at him.

He is totally got surprised; he didn't expect me to do this stuff. But I'm learning. Love makes us do something; we never do in our life. Or it's totally a different version of me, which I never discover of me. But his reaction is everything, I can see in his smile, He is very happy. AND I didn't disappoint him, I will work this relationship. Never let anyone between us, not even slightest misunderstanding.

And we hold our hands till the lunch breaks over. It's very nice feeling in a world, who loves you so much and cares. But sometimes, I scared when I see Sarah. Sarah is quiet. She didn't create a drama till now. But she is one of them who loves creating drama and love messes. But she didn't do anything. It's scary.


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