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The sound of the raindrops pattering in the window panes is fascinated me. I looked out the window. The sky is tar-black and the large clouds are moving towards me. When I listen a tapping in a window closely, it sounds like a pitter-patter. The roads are empty because it almost night. The roofs of the cars danced with spray and I could hear the murmuring of the rain through the window. It sounds like the buzzing of angry bees.

When Nicolo came from my back and lean towards my left shoulder and say something in my ear in a whisper way, "I think, it's not gonna stop, immediately." She startled and face him in confusion, "What"

"I mean, I will drop you home. It's raining heavily. It's not gonna stop."

"No, it's okay. I can go home by myself." She says in polite way.

But he asks while crossing his arms, "Well, you have an umbrella."

"No." she replied with her head down.

Then he declared his answer, "Then, it's final, I drop you home."

She interrupted him, "But" but when she saw his raised eyebrows, she stopped. He added, "But what. You don't have an umbrella. How can you go home without an umbrella. You got wet if you go out without an umbrella."

"But I don't want to disturb you for this. I'm fine about this."

"If I want to help you, you don't let me do it or is it  don't think of me as your friend."

"No, it's not that. Okay, fine. You can drop me off." But I lost to him by his cute pouty face.

"Then, let's go."


When Ashlyn gets home, Baylee ask suspiciously, "How you get here? It's raining  outside." while pointing outside.

Ashlyn replied, "Oh! Yay! Nicolo drops me."


"By car."

"Oh, He seems very caring towards you."

Ashlyn flustered and add, "Actually, I'm tutoring him, that's why. Nothing else."

"Really, But I don't see that way. I mean no one see that way."

"Please Baylee, don't imagine things like that. Not everyone got up together like you and Haiden."

"Oh! Please, Ashlyn. I know you better than anyone. You can hide this to you but not to me. Your feelings tell us everything."

"It's not like that."

"Hey! You can tell me."

Ashlyn face Baylee and tell her everything her feelings, which is new to her. Baylee saw her and lift her face and say to her by seeing straight in her eyes, "I know, it's felt new and different. And you can't control these feelings. Because you started to love them and like them. And you don't know when you start feeling that way to a person. Because how it works, you can't control your feelings."

Ashlyn says in hesitantly, "So, I started to develop feelings for him."

Baylee say in low voice, "Maybe. And it can also be that he loves you back at the same way."

Ashlyn sighed. And say, "I...I... I liked him. I like him in a romantic way not as a friend."

Baylee nodded and hugged her for confessing her feelings. For letting out her feelings, you can feel relaxed and feel light. She is proud of her for sharing this important part of her life. As a sister, she is blessed to have Ashlyn by her side. They love each other and share everything to each other.

After talking to each other, they fell in sleep.


Ashlyn is sleeping in a class with a head down because last night, she is talking to her sister in a midnight. Both got a sleep for barely three hours. Because they have a school tomorrow. Well, Baylee is not feeling sleepy like Ashlyn, but still.

When Nicolo came in class, and got shock when he saw Ashlyn's head is down. He thinks Ashlyn is sick. And ask to others, "Is she sick but I safely drop her home. She didn't get wet." And everyone is seeing him surprisingly, while Baylee is like, he is stupid and cute. He is perfect for her. And smiling in thoughts.

But she gets in reality and add, "No, she is okay. It's just feeling sleepy because we talked late night. And thanks Nicolo for dropping her home because I asked you." She saved him from their thoughts.

Nicolo confusingly nodded. When Baylee beckon him with hand gesture. They both went to corner and she interrogate him indirectly.

"So, you both studying at your home, and nothing else, right."

Nicolo got nervous but he managed to talk, "Ah! Yes, we totally studying there and nothing else."

"So, you don't think about her that way." And shooting him this question with killing eyes.

He quickly says, "Yes. No, I mean we're just friends. Nothing more." And nervous smile. But She can sense his feeling to her sister, if it's not. Then, why he so awkward about this, if it's not the case. I think he is also not fully aware. They are literally made for each other.

Well, the class started. Everyone is paying attention to teacher. And everything going normal and fine. And the bell rings for break. Everyone runs towards cafeteria.

We normally sitting to our spot where we usually lunch after takin food. We're talking, laughing and eating. It's good and normal same days. But there is something different, whenever I look towards Nicolo, I feel butterflies in my stomach, I smile. So, that's why, I am not talking to Nicolo or seeing him as possible. Because we sit together and our friends same. So, I can't avoid him fully. But I can pretend, I'm busy or talking to someone else. But I also feel bad from him to ignore him. But I can't control my feelings. This stupid heart.

When Sarah came towards our bench, and lean towards Nicolo and ask him something in his ears. From that, Ashlyn feels something jealous in her heart. But she got more jealous, when Nicolo stands up and say, "I will back in two minutes." And follow Sarah. It is making me annoyed. I wanted to know, what she says to him in his ears that make him want to talk to her alone. It is making me so annoyed.


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