"Let's say we believe your version of the Spectre" the Queen began, "because I certainly prefer to believe she is an ally. Do you have a means of communicating with her?" she asked.

Jenna frowned, looking at Mason. She didn't want to lie to her Queen; but, she wasn't assured enough that the royals wouldn't try to contact Kayla for the wrong reasons. Fortunately, Karma and Alessia had been sitting back and taking the scene in. Karma was smiling fondly at the small family who were speaking up for her.

"Jenna, I'm watching what's happening....It's okay, I will meet with the Queen" she said to her through their mindlink.

Mason recognized the concern in his mate's eyes, and had turned to speak on her behalf. "Your majesty—"

With wide eyes, though, Jenna tugged his hand to stop him. "She's watching" she exclaimed, looking to the Queen. "She says she will meet with you, my Queen."

All three of the Royals looked disturbed as they peered around the room. Jenna's sudden declaration would put anyone on edge, but it especially made the royal family feel suddenly very uncomfortable in their own home.

"Are there cameras in here?!" The King bellowed angrily, squinting at every dark corner suspiciously.

"You could have done that in a less suspicious way" Alessia said, amused.

Karma rolled her eyes, although she was laughing to herself at the King's reaction. "I didn't think she'd blurt out that I was watching!" She said, defending herself.

She mindlinked Jenna once more, unable to contain her amusement. "Please tell his majesty that I'm using the powers of my Alpha, not cameras."

Jenna was checking on her sleeping son, concerned the King's outburst would have startled him. Fortunately, the pup just snuggled into the crook of his mother's neck further and continued her sleep. Jenna let out a breath of relief, then looked at the King to pass on Karma's message. "I apologize, your majesty. I spoke without thinking of how it may sound...Kayla uses the abilities of her Alpha. While they are mysterious to me, they somehow give her the ability to see us right now." She explained sheepishly.

"And how do you know she's watching?" The King demanded.

"Another unique aspect of the Forsaken pack is that their pack bond does not break when you leave them...As such, Kayla is still able to mindlink me, and vice versa." She replied.

Deciding to end the King's pointless line of questioning, the Queen opted to speak up. "You say she will meet with me. Does she not ask why I want to meet her?" She wondered.

"I assume she wants to capture me" Karma said to Jenna through their link.

Jenna grimaced at Karma's honesty, but passed it on regardless. "She says she assumes that you want to capture her."

The Queen raised her eyebrows in surprise. "And she's still willing to meet?"

"She's not the only one I'll have met with who wants to capture me. And she won't be the only one to fail" Karma snickered through her link to Jenna.

Trying not to smile at Karma's comment, Jenna answered the Queen a bit more tactfully. "She is confident that she has nothing to fear, your majesty."

The King scoffed, recognizing the meaning in her words; however, the Queen silenced him with a look. She then turned her attention back to Jenna, and smiled. "Well, when can we meet?"

"I wouldn't meet the Queen right now" Alessia warned. "You're too bitchy" she said, giving Karma a wolfy grin.

"Shut up!" Karma said, playfully elbowing the wolf, but laughing all the same. She knew it was true.

"Tell her majesty I will meet her tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Given that she is the Queen, and I doubt they'll let her meet me without the entire King's guard watching, I'll even let her choose the place." She told Jenna.

Jenna nodded in understanding. "She says that she will meet you at a place of your choosing at 8:30am tomorrow morning. She is fully willing to meet with the King's guard at your command, if that is what will make you comfortable."

"That won't be necessary" the Queen said, ignoring when the King tried to protest. "We will meet in my private garden at 8:30am tomorrow morning, then" she continued, not letting the King get a word in.

"It's a date" Karma said, getting to her feet. "And now it's bed time! Night Jenna! Give that sweet little boy of yours a kiss from his goddess-mother!

Jenna giggled a little to herself, "Good night, Kayla." She replied through the link, then kissed Kay on his chubby cheek for her friend.

Turning her attention back to the Queen, Jenna smiled and said "she says it's a date."

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