Chapter Eight - Bookstore

Start from the beginning

I walked into my room and began changing into my swimsuit. It was white with no straps and small detailing.

After I finished changing into my swimsuit I grabbed a cover up and a beach bag

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After I finished changing into my swimsuit I grabbed a cover up and a beach bag.

I texted the group chat and Olive sent a pic of her and the group letting me know they were already there. I didn't see Noah in the photo though.

I walked out of my room and Noah was sitting down at the table on his phone. "Why aren't you at the beach?" I asked.

He looked up from his phone getting up. He walked over to me and answered. "Because I was waiting for you princess." He smirked.

"Cute." I spoke sarcastically. "Alright we'll let's go then." I said walking out.

"Yes ma'am." He spoke from behind me.

We got to the beach and we saw the group. "Hey!!" I waved smiling.

"Isadora!" Mal and Olive both shouted coming towards me for a hug. I hugged them both and said hi to the boys.

"Arlo you got my special juice?" Noah asked with a sly smirk. "Always man." Arlo laughed handing him a beer.

They all grabbed one and Arlo handed me a soda. "Thanks." I smiled taking a sip.

"Olive let me know that you don't drink so." He smiled softly. I looked at Olive and smiled at her.

We all said "cheers" and took a drink.

"I want to race." Luka said to us. "Why so I can beat you." Noah laughed showing his perfect white teeth.

"Not even, because we all know i'll kick both your asses." Arlo teased. "Let's go then." Luka challenged and they all got up.

"Wait! You guys need someone to count." Mal spoke up. "Oh yeah." Luka realized. "The girls will do it." Olive spoke smiling at Luka.

"Sounds good to me." Noah smirked looking at me. I smiled and looked away.

"Alright get in a line next to each other." Mal ordered. Once they did the girls and I counted to three.

Luka won because he tripped Arlo and that made Noah go down with him.

"Oh my god!" I laughed almost tearing up. "You guys suck!" Mal laughed with me. "Seriously." Olive agreed smiling.

Luka started walking towards us with a proud smile when Noah and Arlo came tackling him down.

"Ow!" Luka yelled. Which only made the girls and I laugh harder. "You guys think this is funny huh?" Noah looked at us like a lion ready to pounce.

"No, don't you dare." I spoke backing up with the girls. "We might need to teach them a lesson." Arlo spoke looking at Noah.

"Guys no please." Mal tried to reason with them.

That didn't work because they charged at us. We all screamed and laughed as Noah, Arlo, and Luka tackled us.

"Get off!" I laughed as Noah was tickling me. "Say please." He demanded with a smile.

"Please!" I shouted. "No." He spoke back.

"Help!" I yelled towards the girls. "Im trying but Arlo is heavy!" Mal shouted back.

"Ow Noah your hurting me." I pretended to be hurt. "Shit are you okay?" He asked conceded immediately getting off.

I laughed. "What the fuck Isadora?" Noah spoke upset that I scared him. "Aw don't cry." I spoke in a baby voice taunting him.

"I hate you." He grabbed my hand lifting me off the floor. "No you don't." I teasingly smiled.


We sat and talked until it started to get dark. "Guys we have to go." Noah spoke.

"Yeah same, my dad wants to watch a movie." Mal agreed. "What movie?" Olive asked.

"Fast and Furious." She answered. "Oh shit that movie is so good!" Luka laughed.

"Not when this is your twenty thousandth time watching it." Mal joked. "I could watch that movie for the rest of my life." Luka disagreed.

"Alright we'll we have to go come on." Mal reminded us. "Bye guys." I smiled giving the girls a hug.

"Bye." Noah spoke.

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