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"What are you doing here?" Lisa exclaimed, shooting to her feet.

"I was gonna apologize about... y'know. How I basically got you killed a second time and almost killed Rosé. I also wanted to thank you guys for saving me, too. Where is everyone, by the way?" Jungkook said, sticking his head out of the car.

"They're at the hospital and I have no way to get to Rosé or  them." Lisa groaned.

"I can drive you if you'll have me," Jungkook suggested.


"Yeah. I mean, driving you to the hospital is tiny compared to you guys saving my life."

"Thank you so much," Lisa said as she hopped into the shotgun seat of Jungkook's pickup truck. They sped to the hospital as fast as they could. When Jungkook pulled in front of the building, Lisa jumped out before he fully stopped, which almost made her slam into the gravel.

Lisa didn't wait for Jungkook and headed straight in.

"Hi, I'm here to visit Chaeyoung park?" she said, breathlessly.

"Okay, sign your name on the visiting sheet. She's just down the hall and the first room on the right." the front desk lady said. Lisa nodded and jotted her name down before rushing over.

She pushed the door open and heard the ear-splitting flatline.

"No," she breathed.

"Lisa," Jennie said as soon as she saw the girl. Lisa was stunned as all the girl's wrapped her in a tight hug.

"She can't be..." she said. Lisa couldn't even cry. All she felt was a heavy, empty sinking in her chest. She couldn't take her eyes away from Rosé's peaceful face, as if she was just asleep. Wake up, she thought. I just want to see your eyes one last time.

After a long moment of silence, Lisa finally saw Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, sitting in the corner talking quietly.

"What are they talking about?" she said, a little too loud.

"Lisa..." nayeon started, but she was already walking over.

"What are you talking about?" she shouted. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu made eye contact before chaeyoung stood up.

"Lisa..." Chae said.

"Can everyone stop 'Lisa'-ing me?" she exclaimed. The emptiness inside her was filled with anger instead. "Just tell me what's going on!"

"Rosé's ghost isn't here." Tzuyu blurted out.

Lisa's mouth was open, eyebrows furrowed angrily. "Okay? And? Where is she? I'm a ghost, too, that means she can be with me, right?"

"We think..." Jennie started.

"We think Rosé's ghost is in that house. Where she was stabbed." Chaeyoung finished.

Lisa was stunned once again. Her emotions were all over the place. The anger disappeared in a snap. "So she ended up just like me? Alone in the place she was killed?" The anger came back just as quickly. "She doesn't deserve that!"

"Lisa, calm down." Nayeon said.

"Don't tell me to calm down," she said, almost laughing. "You're telling me Rosé and I died the same. Exact. Way? Can I see her? Is—"

"Lisa, we need you calm for what we're about to say. You need to be level-headed." Tzuyu said.

Lisa clenched her jaw so tight she was shaking.

Tzuyu took a deep breath.

"There's a way to bring Rosé back."

All anger slipped away. Hope was a deadly thing, but Lisa was already dead. Her eyebrows unfurrowed and her jaw unclenched.

"Then let's do it! What are we waiting for?" she exclaimed, a smile blooming on her face.

"See, you have a little bit of rosé's life source in you because she brought you back to life. We can give that back to her, but it would mean..." Tzuyu explained.

"You would vanish." Chaeyoung finished.

It was very quiet in the hospital room. The only sound was Rosé's flatline.

Lisa's smile slowly drifted off her face. Her mind was blank. Her emotions had stopped. Everyone was staring at her, even Jungkook, who had quietly slipped in during the commotion.

Slowly but surely, Lisa spoke. "But... it would mean... that Rosé would come back... right?"

"Yeah." Chaeyoung nodded, sadness in her eyes as she witnessed Lisa make her final decision.

"Well," lisa took a deep breath. "I'm already dead. So... I'll do it."

There was a moment of complete silence. The whole world was on pause.

Jennie spun Lisa around and wrapped her in a tight hug. Jisoo and nayeon joined in, for one last group hug. They had only known the girl for barely a month, but to them,  it felt like a whole lifetime.

"Hey," Lisa said, pulling out of the hug with a soft smile. "Maybe I'll reincarnate as an animal and follow you guys around, like a bird or a cat."

"Are you kidding me?" Jennie laughed sadly. "You're a dog, for sure."

"You ready?" Tzuyu asked.

Lisa nodded.

Chaeyoung ushered everyone out of the room as Tzuyu brought Lisa over to Rosé's side. She was instructed to hold hands with the brown-eyed girl, and so she did. Instantly, she felt rejuvenated. Her brown eyes glowed before she was dropped into a dark room.


Rosé was standing across from her, a few meters away. Lisa ran as fast as she could towards her, and Rosé quickly caught her in a tight hug.

"I'll see you in another life, I guess."

"Wait—what do you m—?"

Before Rosé could finish, Lisa grabbed her face and gave her a kiss.


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