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Chaeyoung woke up upside down, with her phone in hand, a leg hanging off the bed, a pillow on the floor, and the blanket draped over her head. She had fell asleep while trying to find a new laptop that wasn't too expensive.

Lisa, on the other hand, had been up since sunrise, reading Chaeyoung's handwritten draft. The papers were sprawled out on the floor so that Camila could read them. Yesterday had been an interesting day, and the ghost girl couldn't blame Rosé for falling asleep in such a weird position.


Man, Lisa's mind still raced whenever she thought about it. Rosé's walls cracked just the tiniest bit, just enough for lisa to shimmey her way a little closer to the brown eyed girl. It wasn't much, but it was something.

The Day Before...

"I can't talk to you anymore. At least, I can't talk to you outside. Anyone can be a risk of me getting exposed And I have a really bad feeling about this Jungkook kid, okay?"

Lisa swallowed the large lump in her throat, fiddling with the brim of her sweatshirt as she nodded softly. She tried to hide her emotions, but Chaeyoung saw right through her. The brown eyed girl felt the familiar guilt rising up her throat, desperate to say something. To apologize for being so cold to the ghost girl. To explain in greater detail of what happened to her. But she knew better than that.

At least, she thought she did.

"Look, I'm sorry for being cold to you," Rosé sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's just-,"

"I can be your editor," Lisa interrupted. "Like, a proof-reader,"

Rosé was taken aback, but was grateful for Lisa's understanding. "Yeah. Okay, sure, why not,"


"Find any mistakes?" Rosé asked, hauling herself up to charge her dead phone.

"Well, not grammatically, no," the ghost replied. "But, I think the characters are a little... unrelatable, y'know?"

Rosé sat criss-cross across from Lisa with a pen. "I get what you're saying, yeah,"

"Like right here," Lisa let her finger glide over a sentence. She had gotten used to Chaeyoung's handwriting, and even liked how she wrote some of her letters in cursive. Chaeyoung nodded, and Lisa noticed how serious the brown eyed girl got when she was focusing.

A few hours flew by, as well as a cup of instant ramen, and Rosé was heading out. She had found someone selling a laptop and was meeting up with them at a cafe.

"Stay safe," Lisa called after her.

"Thanks, mom," Rosé snorted, closing the door.

"Oh, is your mom visiting?" Nayeon's voice startled her, and rosé almost smacked her in the face from reflexes.

"Oh, uhh, yeah," Rosé said, locking the door.

"Was she talking to you? I couldn't really hear her,"

"Yeah, she was. She just has a quiet voice." Rosé stammered, walking with nayeon to the parking lot.

"Where are you headed to?"

She sure asks a lot of questions, Chaeyoung thought as she unlocked her car.

"A cafe."

Before the shorter girl could pry anymore, Rosé sped away.

Lisa was grateful that Rosé had left the TV on for her. The hardest part of being a ghost was simply just the boredom. Everything was going fine.

And then everything wasn't fine.

Lisa heard a loud grunt from the backyard. When she went to investigate, she found Jungkook, who had jumped the wooden fence and was making his way towards Lisa. Of course, the boy couldn't see the ghost girl, but it was still nerve wracking.

The boy stuck a note on the glass door, looked around, then placed a gift-wrapped box on the patio. And then he left, jumping the fence yet again. Lisa floated towards the note. It was a piece of paper, written in pen.


I know I wasn't the nicest to you when we were younger, but if you really can see ghosts, I think you would know that there is one living with you. Please, if you could let me talk to her, I would owe you a big one.

Her name is Lalisa Manoban. She has brown eyes and short pink hair. As you know, she was my girlfriend. I never got to say goodbye. If you don't want me in your home yet, I understand. I can meet you at the cafe down the street at 11 tomorrow.


Lisa didn't get mad easily, but the note made her boil. She couldn't remember much from her life, but she knew for a fact that this Jungkook boy wasn't her boyfriend. How did she know that? Because she was gay.

Rosé wanted to get out of there. The boy that was selling her the laptop had bought coffees for them, when all Rosé wanted was to get the laptop and leave. After an hour of awkward small talk, the dark brown eyed girl had finally came up with an excuse to leave.

Fifteen minutes later, she was back with the laptop. She felt drained just by socializing with a stranger that clearly couldn't see how uncomfortable she was. She set the laptop on the coffee table and dropped onto the couch.

"Rosé?" Lisa's voice instantly powered her batteries and Rosé sat up. "There's, um, something you might want to take a look at."

The ghost brought the human to the glass door, where there seemed to be a piece of paper stuck on it. Rosé read it, rolled her eyes, and then picked up the box. After plopping down on the couch and letting Lisa sit next to her, she unwrapped it. Inside the cardboard box was a folded sweatshirt.

There was also another note.

For proof, this is Lisa's jacket, and a picture of her wearing it, if you still don't believe me.

Chaeyoung looked at the photo that was came with the note, and the two girls exchanged and confused glance.

"I thought you said-?"

"Yeah, he wasn't my boyfriend. This sweatshirt... I lost this sweatshirt! I remember leaving it at class one day, but when I came back it was gone. What a creep. And this picture... he took this picture in the middle of class!" Lisa exclaimed.

Rosé lifted the jacket out of the box and moved the box to the ground. It was black except for the white strings and zipper line.

"Are you going to do it?" Lisa asked.

"No," Rosé snorted. "Why would I meet with that creep?"

"Well, at least tell him that you know he's lying. So he can stop bothering us." Lisa shrugged.

"I should wear the jacket when I tell him." Rosé laughed, putting the jacket on over her shirt. As she was zipping it up, she suddenly realized what she was doing. "Ah, sorry. This is your's. I shouldn't wear it."

Lisa shook her head.

"I'm dead, remember? That's yours now."

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