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Dion felt emotions again after a long time.

Seeing the red head he hasn't seen and thought about seeing standing there in the audience, made Dion feel relieved and scared at the same time.

It's not that he didn't want to him...

He just couldn't..

Dion gritted his teeth, chewing the bottom lip of his mouth.

He didn't want to be reminded of the past nor did he want Cale to recall the actions he did.

Dion wanted to see Cale..


He longed for him.


Does Cale want to see him..?


9 years ago~

It was a cold and rainy day when Dion was assigned to a new and dangerous mission.

"Dion" A man similar to the said name they called spoke.

"Yes, Father" A younger version of Dion replied.

"Kill those bastards who thought it was a good idea to steal something from our land" Lant ordered, smirking.

"Yes" Dion obediently agreed and went on his way to the said bandits to complete his mission.

In another place, a carriage could be seen being robbed by thieves.

Even so, it looks like they made the wrong choice, considering that the famous young general was inside the carriage they were going to loot.

Blood splashed against the ground, mixing with the rain, as the Duke slit another bandit's throat.

"Loyd?" A kid that looks no more less than 5 called.

Said man whose name was Loyd awnsered the tiny redhead's call.

"Yes, Young Master?"

Emerald Green orbs stared at reddish-brown ones. Dark blond hair, the man has.

Moderate green, was the color of the suit and pants Loyd was wearing. Going well with the red tie he has attired around his neck.

With a word everyone could agree on, the man was handsome.

A kid with red locks, similar to the Duke looked at the man outside of the carriage.

"Why did father go out? And what's with the screams?" He questioned.

The man outside, who was Loyd, only smiled.

"That, you don't need to know of, Young Master"

Both kid and adult knew what was going on.

Cale Agnes.

A little genius the youngster was.

Loyd knew that the little one was exactly aware of what events they were currently occurring.

Although, He didn't understand why the red head was hiding it.

He has watched and observed the kid ever since he was an infant.

As a butler, it was his job to take care of the Young Master.

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