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The USJ was just as impressive as it looked from the outside. Izuku whistled as he entered with Aizawa. "Quite the view. Not as good as Susurrus valley, but still."

The ravenette teacher gave a glance to him, then met up with the hero Thirteen

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

The ravenette teacher gave a glance to him, then met up with the hero Thirteen. Izuku followed, annoyed that Allmight had the gall to not show up when he was supposed to be teaching. It was his one job, and he didn't have infinite time.

She asked the same question Izuku did, but he gave more information, presumably because she wasn't always in the loop. It was then that she turned to the class. "Welcome to the USJ facility. Here we will be going through a variety of scenarios, testing you and your quirks. I am..."

Uraraka couldn't contain her excitement, "The rescue hero Thirteen!" When all eyes turned to look at her, she became only slightly embarrassed, "Sorry, she's my favorite hero."

She laughed, "It's always good to meet a fan. You know my quirk, of course?"
"Yes, it's black hole! You use it to suck up debris and save people!"

If the hero nodded in agreement, it was hidden behing the hero suit's domed visor. "I do. However, my quirk is also incredibly dangerous. I needed to train it a lot to be able to use my quirk to save others. It's very easy for an explosion, ice, fire, and other amazing quirk effects to kill. This will be your first major lesson in how to use them to help instead of harm."

It was then that Kirishima asked a question that caught everyone's attention: "Is that why you have fake villains?"
Izuku, Thirteen, and Aizawa immediately turned in the direction the redhead was pointing. "There are no 'fake' villains. They're real." A collective gasp came from the students, shocked and surprised at their boldness. However, they weren't in danger yet. While they weren't, Izuku's mind went into overdrive, noticing three in particular. One of dark purple mist, clearly responsible for the portal, then one with blue hair, clearly the leader, and a large muscular... thing... with an exposed brain. It was far stronger than Izuku could ever be.

Izuku was nervous, he wasn't technically a hero, he was expected to defend the students. It was a part of his contract, which, fortunately, outlined self defence as a viable strategy. That, and Izuku couldn't be charged with vigilantism as it was written in the law due to his... lack of a quirk. 

Putting that thought aside, the greenette tensed himself as he, along with Aizawa, ran to the top of the stairs. The older man glanced over to him, "Can you fight?"
Izuku nodded, not taking his eyes off the foes in front of him. "I've killed over 20 wendigos, and an Alpha included. I can fight."
His eyes widened, not knowing what those were, but still understanding that he could do his job. "Good."

Izuku stated, "If you're going to leap ahead, I'm not letting you go alone."

Touched by concern, the homeroom teacher still remained impassive. "No. It's better for you to defend the students. I'm not a one trick hero."

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