Soma Reactor

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Dropping down, the elevator shuddered as Izuku landed onto it. There was a large metal crate. I wonder what this will be? Hopefully not empty.

When it opened, there were two attachments, which slipped into grooves on the back of the metal legs in the LEAF suit. As soon as he put them on, the elevator shuddered and collapsed, falling down a few feet before getting stuck. The voice of Andrew Fisher spoke out: "Our newly developed Pushrod Pistons to achieve unparalleled velocity." Noticing an Amrita generator, Izuku powered it, opening the door. "By energizing the tunnel rails, the LEAF suit should conduct enough energy to reach immense speeds." Jumping off the elevator platform, it shuddered and fell down the rest of the elevator shaft. I am so lucky I wasn't still on that.

Turning back to the path before him. They were all powered rails, Time to test out the new upgrade!

As soon as he jumped onto the rail, energy crackled around him. Supercharging him. Allowing him to run faster and longer than ever before. He didn't want to stop, as it was exhilarating, zipping through the underground rail tunnels. Some parts had given way, but his speed allowed him to clear them with ease. The natural hills made it so he could lauch into the air, and every time he landed was with a cascade of sparks, and sometimes a skid or two due to momentum. It was adrenaline filled the entire way, especially when he passed through multiple Sussurian carvings, and even passing by a massive carving of a cannibalistic head. Just as he was getting into it, he'd reached the end, with the ramp down leading to the soma reactor access on the other side. A ramp launched him up, and he was able to land safely.

Breathing in, he didn't even break a sweat the entire time. "Wow... that... was the best thing I've ever done." He checked his energy level. It was max.

Looking around, there was a massive hatch like thing open, allowing him to enter inside. Only one way forward. Travelling to it, he saw a sign indicating reactor access. Perfect!

When he entered, Fisher's voice greeted him yet again. "That Damned Oppenheimer! A report just came in that Manhattan's first field test was a sure-fire success." As Izuku listened, he found another crate ahead. It held another power upgrade and 3 more acorns.

"The explosion yeilded 20 kilotons of TNT energy. I know I can outmatch this..."

Oh no...

" greater efficiency, but time is running out." His next words were spoken faster, more authoritarian. It was his order, after all. "I am ordering a 300 percent increase in production to meet quotas for a megaton blast yield, produced in three day's time."

He's getting desperate. The next words sent a chill down Izuku's spine.

"But of course, our trump card lies in the Thanatos cannon prototype under development: its power unlike anything Oppenheimer could possibly fathom. With this technology, we'll become the closest thing to gods the world has ever seen!"

Thanatos... the greek god of death. That cannon must utilize the same principles as the god hand... but at a much larger scale. Otherwise, why would they only have one? Thank goodness that nobody knows about that...

The greenette calmed himself down. No need to worry, though. The lifeseed has to be close.

Navigating this underground section, there was a vent he was able to walk through, just like at Soma proper. Drop down, head left. Then left again, and a final drop into a room. There was a massive vault door, with a console in front of it. There was another bright red button, with a convenient plaque above it: Door Controls.

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