The Leap Effortlessly through the Air Functionality (LEAF) Suit

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Izuku had stumbled onto an old military truck laying on its side, ancient, decrepit and rusting. A relic from a bygone era, when military vehicles used canvas to cover the back, not reinforced metal. It was designed for its time, and the greenette estimated that it was from the era of the second World War, at least from the design alone. Further research would confirm his hypothesis. A massive metal crate lay next to a rocky outcropping, with a path leading further up. Old files kept the papers inside from decaying too badly, but the ones that had been scattered to the wind were unable to be deciphered anymore. There was a box of old audio tapes as well, labeled V. King. Of the few files he could read, he found out a few important details: The US government had a program back here in the late 1940s, and that the crate contained one of them. Curious, he approached the massive metal container. It's lid was ajar, but he couldn't see what was inside. So, he analyzed the crate itself. A large emblem, with the code name of Pendulum, was painted on the outside. However, much of it had worn away, exposing the steel it was made from. He did find a mechanical latch, and attempted to push on it, with little success... but when he tried to pull it, it gave way and... success! The clack of old mechanics and the strain of metal greeted his ears, and after a moment, the lids popped clean open. The ancient mechanisms whirred as the platform the project item was resting ascended upwards for ease of access. Izuku was surprised that it appeared to be a suit. It consisted of mechanical legs with wiring going up to a battery backpack. The gauntlets also had functions, and the left handed one had a tape player integrated into the side. Checking the power, he found that it was in perfect working order. The suit, unlike the container, was fine. There were also pristine fresh clothes. They were a little big for him, but they were meant to fit an adult, not a high school dropout.

The outfit was comfy. Long pants, fresh socks (he kept his shoes, as they actually fit compared to the other pair), an army green t shirt and a very well made leather jacket. On the right shoulder was a patch embroidered "E. Hall" with a single gold chevron below it, denoting military rank, and on the chest was a different patch designating them as a "Pathfinder". To Izuku, it was a subtle irony that these units were called pathfinders, as that was what he could be considered at the current moment. That's kinda what I am right now! Forging a path to find our history! There were a large collection of vintage cassette tapes, of which he could collect and store them within a small leather bag that came with the jacket, and of course, inside the watertight bag the greenette decided to store within. The first one, or the one marked first chonologically was the one he pulled out, thinking would help him the most; either by giving context for the military gear, or by being a direct audio manual for the suit itself. He slotted it within the wrist mounted gauntlet, where it was designed to go, and then fumbled for the controls... only to find that a flick of his hand was all that was nessessary to start the recording. The speaker on the gauntlet worked as if it had been made yesterday, booming a male scientist's voice. "Welcome to the Pathfinder Program! The suit you have access to is the Leap Effortlessly through the Air Functionality, or LEAF suit! It allows you to run faster than a cheetah, leap over distances one can only dream of, and even have power over life and death itself! All of these are part of the LEAF suit's functionality, and you were selected to test this new weapon to help end the war in Europe! Thank you for your service..." The tape ended, drifting off just as Izuku's mind was going into overdrive. The war in Europe... there hasn't been a war in Europe since... WW2! That was well over 1000 years ago, when the first quirk war happened! Amazed, he found himself admiring the pre-quirk tech. That war was one of the few cases in pre-quirk society where one side was heroic, and the other was villainous...

Bringing his thoughts back to the present, he wanted to test the suit's capabilities. Tensing his muscles, he jumped straight up into the air... and found that he had jumped 7 feet high. He just jumped his height in a single jump! Amazing! That means I can reach that path up there...

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