Chapter Twenty-Nine

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My voice, of course, was not discernable above the shouts and cheers around me. But Elizabeth saw me, as well, and somehow- despite the dirt that covered my face, and the boys clothing that I wore- she recognized me. Her eyes widened.

I did not truly know what was happening- I only saw the rope that bound Elizabeth, and beside her, her brothers and parents. I did not know if Henry intended to use the metal pipe that he held in his hand, or if he had merely grabbed it as a weapon of self-defense upon hearing we were being attacked.

Still, I surged forward, my voice rising above everyone else's. "Do not kill them! I know them!"

The other children stilled as I shoved my way through the crowd, and I fell to my knees before Elizabeth. I pulled at the knots that held the rope against her wrists, but could not undo it. Eli was suddenly beside me, handing me a dagger- he had sharpened it recently, and it easily cut through the rope.

"Amelia!" Elizabeth gasped, her hands reaching up to grasp my shoulders as soon as I cut her free. But I was already moving on to the bindings on Michael's wrists, cutting him loose, as well- I saw a spark of recognition in his eyes. Under the dirt and trousers, he had not recognized who I was as quickly as his sister had.

"Amelia," Lord Baldwin echoed, clearly shocked by this revelation. I wondered how long it would have taken him to recognize me without Elizabeth's announcement. "How can it be?"

Elizabeth's arms were around me, so Michael took the knife from me, going out of his way to cut loose his Mother first before returning to free his brother and father.

"I told you!" Elizabeth shrieked, her voice an unpleasant pitch right in my ear. I flinched. "I told you she would be here! I told you!"

The voices all mixed together- Michael and Lord Baldwin, interrogating me as to where I had been, how I had escaped, who had taken me, why I hadn't returned. The other children around me, some demanding to know why I was untying the intruders and who's side I was on, while those whom now recognized Elizabeth from our trek here to meet with John so long ago rushed to explain, proud to know something that the others did not.

I did not reply to any of them- how could I? Where would I go, now that my cover was blown? Would Elizabeth's family turn me in- had my time as a member of their family created any bonds of loyalty at all towards me? Certainly I would have laid my my life down for them, but it was foolish for me to assume they felt the same towards me.

But then Lord and Lady Baldwin were before me, their arms around me. And then Michael and Thomas were there as well, embracing me, and Elizabeth's hand never released my own.

"Where have you been?" Lord Baldwin demanded, holding me arms-length away and shaking me slightly. "Why did you not return?"

"I-" To my absolute horror, my voice broke, and I unexpectedly burst into tears. Here- before the family that had once been so close to my own, and before the other hardened and tough street children.

Mortified, I hid my face in my hands, trying to keep whatever tiny bit of dignity I had left.

To his everlasting credit, Lord Baldwin did not pull my hands away and demand an immediate answer- he just sighed, accepting my inability to answer in that moment, and pulled me into his arms. "There, there now. It's alright."

It took several minutes for me to calm down, and another few for me to face the embarrassment of my crying episode as I turned to face the other children again. I kept my eyes down, swiping at my cheeks as I searched the crowd for John.

At least none of them were laughing.

John was standing nearby- just beside Eli. He seemed too nervous to come forward, so I tried to walk over to him. Lord Baldwin still had a hand on my shoulder, though, and Elizabeth and Lady Baldwin were holding either hand.

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