Important Information

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This is some important information for a better understanding of this story.

It'll mainly be about Travis because Sally is pretty much his C! self.

This page will constantly be updated

For some context, Travis has a mother present in his life her name is Kelsey. She may be present in the story but she does not care for Travis

Travis was harshly taught that Homosexuality was wrong and went against everyone's beliefs. His father had pushed him to act horrible to himself and others

In this story, Travis isn't very talkative or bully-like. But now and again he'll make a comment about Sal and his group. But it isn't overwhelming. But because of how overprotective Ash and Larry are over Sal they make it seem like Travis acted 100 times worse than he ever did.

Travis usually stays at the library late after school because he doesn't want to go home. And for another reason that will be explained in the story. Plus his dad made sure he got all A's or else...

I will be adding two new characters;
One is a female. Before Sal moved to Nockfell Larry and her were best friends. Then she moved away. And Sal moved in. She'll be Important later in the story, she'll have no actual appearances until the 2rd chapter

The second is a young boy who is related to the same chapter that the girl is. He is about 6 and is very important to one of the characters. His first appearance will be in the 6th chapter.

Not too many people read the description so I'll put the important part here as well

This story contains; sexual assault, physical abuse, emotional abuse, Eating disorders, attempt at suicide, self-harm, mention of over dose, cussing, alcohol and drug abuse, underage drinking and drug consumption, slurs, and very violent scenes

This story also contains a few smut scenes, Consent is given by both people

If you aren't comfortable with any of these things, please don't read this story at all. Multiple of these will be brought up each chapter. This is the only trigger warning. So yea you have been warned

This is not a slow burn- I like to get start to the action so. BUT there will quickly be a LOT of angst.

ALL ART IN THIS STORY IS MINE so please don't steal it and take credit

If you would like to have a character implemented for you then comment and we can talk about getting you added into my story!

//Scared but beautiful// Salvis FanficWhere stories live. Discover now