" yeah yeah i'm fine but before we all train together can you guys yk introduce yourselves as like what part of me you are. i'm really confused ya know" i say hoping they'll ablide and won't put me in another genjutsu bc i 'don't know myself'

" i'm your lovergirl y/n, or previously known as the attention whore. love for love is greater than an eye for an eye ya know" the pink highlights me says with a flashy smile and a giggle on the end. she's kinda cheesy but it's cute. who knows maybe at the end of this i'll love myself.

"god your so cheesy its cringe. this whole introduction is cringe" the red highlighted me says. shes not wrong tho i honestly wanna call this whole thing off, introductions are so awkward.

"this is why your the negative y/n nobody likes a negative bitch" the lovergirl me spurts out like a toddler

"negative?! im realistic, its not my fault the rest of you are delusional" the negative me argues back. causing the rest of my personas to start arguing as well. this is so weird its like all my thoughts physically manifested and are arguing with each other.

"oh my god if you guys are just gonna keep on arguing im ending the summon, we'll try this again" i sigh interrupting their arguing, or my arguing..

"just end the summoning nobody cares" negative me says brushing me off to continue arguing. god am i really this bitchy?

"i didnt know i was such a cunt, great talk with you guys" i say sarcasticlly as my summons poof away back to wherever they come from.

well now i guess i could do some jutsu training for the day, my fire style could use some work

______ meanwhile______
3rd person pov

"so now that you know the truth about your brother what do you plan to do next. are you going to follow in his footsteps and respect his wishes to protect the leaf and the uchiha name or are you going to go against them. whats your goal here" the once masked man says.

"i have no intention of protecting that scum filled village, my goal is to destroy the leaf and restore my clan. simple as that" a young ravenette  says not with a face so straight but ridden in anger.

"well then, sasuke. i can help you with both of those things. but only if you help me with something" the masked man says catching sasukes attention

"i dont need your help madara" he gets up from the long 2 seated table.

"have a seat son, you may not need my help but if you hear me out i promise you'll want it." the masked man says calmly despite feeling extremely annoyed with the uchiha stubborness. thankfully sasuke wasn't entirely against the idea of madaras help, deciding not to let his pride get in the way he took a seat.

"my daughter, y/n. you know her, you love her. your hurt that she never told you about being uchiha but i ask you as her father to forgive her. i also ask of you to bring her to me. she'll be a great asset to both of our goals. you bring her to me, i'll give you my blessing. she'll be your wife."

"why cant you get her yourself, shes your daughter" sasuke responds to the offer with his typical snarky attitude. he doesnt know how to respond, theres no denying he missed y/n, he missed her more than anything. and madara  was right he did love her, she's the only thing hes ever loved since the massacre. how madara knew that is beyond him.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now