Little Akio

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You were a single mother, was it easy? Hell no. But did it bring something? Yes, your little boy Akio L/N. The little cutie has the same hair as you do and has one of the cutest smiles. He was very popular with the older ladies in the parks or on the bus. He always waved at people or when a red light put his little hand up as a 'stop'. Akio was one of the best things to happen in your life. It was stressful and expensive but luckily Your job wasn't too hard on you and from all the gifts and support from everyone he is living as any child should, under a roof and having every meal. But one thing he doesn't have is a father figure. Your now ex who is the biological dad did give some money to you but it was not enough for all the stress, pain and guilt you had to deal with. 

"Ma ma! Karipima!" 

Yes, little Akio can't pronounce Kirishima which is very adorable, he's 3 which doesn't let him have the best pronunciation. 

"Yes! Kirishima!"

A giggle comes out of his mouth with a smile pointing at the TV having a video competition on youtube of Red riot. Not the battle ones though because once Red roit was on the news and was injured having Little Akio cry, his favourite hero hurt made him sad. Let's just say the comforting left you and baby Akio on the couch cuddled up sleeping.

"Hey, honey let's go to the bakery!" You said with a higher-pitched tone to Akio.

You worked at a bakery which your quirk makes very popular. You were a worker but after using your quirk the owners wanted to give the bakery to you so you are a co-owner. The owners of the shop are an old couple, both 70s-78 years old. They are sweet but can't do much from how weak and tired they can get so from how you were always helping the bakery since 17 they wanted to give it to you. You have a deep connection with them as they helped take care of Akio when you took care of the bakery and also made his life a bit more sweeter with the candy and treats they give. They came from China so every Chinese lunar new year they would give Akio a red envelope. Akio would get his toys and books from the money. They always gifted him home-cooked meals like shrimp dimsums they would make. Akio personally loves the shrimp dimsums. Akio also got to learn how to say a happy new year in Mandarin from them. 

"Ma ma! Shwimp Dim-sum!"

The bakery has some Chinese breads and dumplings. The owners wanted their bakery to feel like home to those who also may have moved which can be greeted with soft yet comforting feelings. That's where your quirk made the whole shop warm. Your quirk can make affect food in a positive or negative way. If you wanted to make the steamed dumplings or milk bread to have a much smoother and comforting feeling you could. It isn't the best quirk but its one that can help people emotionally and physically. You can make food healing but not big wounds, you also get requests to have any breads to treats to help study or memory when it is exam season.

"Here Akio," You hand little Akio a small plate of 4 shrimp dimsums.  Akio today just got a tablet and a seat in the bakery. The bakery wasn't big but it had 4 tall stools and around 5 tables. 3 tables were lined up against a bench against a wall. the other 2 tables were on the other side of the wall close to the stools.

The bakery had lots of browns and not bright lights. the signs had lights so there was no need for strong lights. The bakery was like a cafe type, bobble tea, teas, coffee, loaves of bread, cupcakes, and cakes. All made there. Most of the space of the bakery is the back rooms for all the baking. The staff room is really small but it's there for those who want time.  It was just you and another co-worker today. You were at the front while the other worker was baking more of the popular jelly-filled donuts. You weren't in the mood to bake so your quirk might not give as positive feelings if you baked. 

Our Hero // Eijiro Kirishima x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя