~•Curiousity Killed the Human (A)•~

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(Karlnap)(Siren AU)

A/N: Y'all have any AUs for poly relationships? Like karlnapity and such.

. . .

Third-Person POV:


The lake rippled in a melancholy harmony with the many little creatures inside of it. The tiny frogs hopped around on their lily pads as dragon flies soared above them. Small tadpoles swam in the lake, glistening in the moonlight.
It was a beautiful night.

Karl sat at the edge of the lake, consuming the environment around him. His surroundings tonight were more... enchanting than he was used to. His hands were in the mud bank circling the lake, the dirt threading through his fingers. Mud stuck underneath his fingernails. Karl hummed the song of the night as he watched fire flies dance above the surface of the water.
Tonight was nature's ball.

The night was dark with bright stars freckling the sky. The air was fresh and clear as Karl took deep breaths, in and out.
Karl was relaxed. He tried to soak up the calmness of the night, but something was bothering him. Something felt... off. Something was watching him.

Karl quickly glanced around. The lake in front of him was beckoning to him. Calling him.
It was a beautiful song. The melody crept stealthily into his ears like a predator stalking its prey. The song was ringing out around the lake's shore.

Karl was being lured in.
He was now on his hands and knees, peering into the lake. His curiosity was killing him. What was making such a gorgeous noise?

Then, his answer finally caught him.

Webbed hands suddenly reached up from the water and forcefully grabbed Karl, pulling him under.
Karl was in a trance.

He didn't immediately realise he was being drowned. All he did was admire the creature in front of him.

Karl saw blurred flashes of red and orange, like fire sparking underwater. He saw glistening flippers and scales. The soft hum of the siren's song was still ringing in his ears.

Then, Karl couldn't breathe.

Karl wiggled, air bubbles floating out of his mouth. Scaley arms wrapped around Karl's body and neck
Karl then saw the creature's face.

It was a man's face.
A tuft of thick black hair was on his head matched with fierce brown eyes and sickly pale skin. Shimmering red scales climbed up his neck and some freckled his face.
The siren sneered, flashing its bloody teeth. Blood?

Karl pushed the fish-like thing away from him. The siren snarled, lunging for Karl's throat. Karl gargled as he rustled with the siren.
Karl was committed.
He was not going to die.

The siren began to sing once again.
Karl cried out, dizzily trying to fight off the creature.

Then the creature... swore?

"God dammit, can't you just stay still?" He spoke as he voice rippled underwater. "Just give in, lily pad. I know my voice allures you."

Karl gagged as he began to run out of air. He finally pushed the siren off of him. He quickly swam to the surface, gasping for breath as he waded to the shore. Once he was on the mud bank, he glanced back into the water, not being able to help his curiousity.

Red. Amber. Fire.

A face.

A head popped out of the water, disturbing the peaceful and still water. It stared.
He stared.
Then, he spoke.

"C'mere little fire fly~ Come to me. Underneath the water with me is where you belong."

And although Karl was tempted by the very voice of the siren, he sat still in the mud. The siren was clearly confused. The average human would've already swam in the lake and killed himself. Why was this boy not doing so?

Karl scoffed.
"Come to you? So you can kill me? No thanks, creepy mermaid."
"I'm a siren, being a mermaid is a completely different job."
"So what? You both look the same."

The mermaid snarled, flashing his teeth as he jumped out of the water, reaching for Karl's ankles. Karl yelped, hitting the siren on the head. The siren whimpered, putting his hands on his head.

"Fuck! That hurt y'know?"

"You're trying to kill me!"

"So? I need to eat! I haven't eaten real human meat in four weeks! I've had to survive off of fish! Do you know how traumatizing that is?" The siren began to bellow his song once again, but somehow, even louder.

Karl screamed out of pain and fear, blocking out the beautiful song with his hands covering his ears. The siren grabbed Karl's feet, pulling him underwater.

"Wait! Wait, siren!" Karl screeched.
The siren paused and seemingly perked up, did anyone ever call him siren?

"It's Sapnap, but at least someone finally acknowledged me as a proper siren." The siren hummed quietly then sneered. "What is it, lily pad?"

"I- please, please don't eat me!"
"Everybody says that." He began to drag Karl again.
"Wait! If you don't kill me, I'll... I'll bring you food! Yes, I'll bring you more food just please don't eat me..."

Sapnap stared at him. "And by food you mean...?"

"People! I'll bring you people! Just let me go!"

"... you promise not to deceive me, fire fly?"
"I-I promise."

. . .

Words: 865 (according to Wattpad)

A/N: hope you enjoyed!
Could probably make a good, long Karlnap book. Would be fluffy but also have graphically described murder and cannibalism. Karl might become a siren?

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