Chapter 8-Recovery

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I woke up to blinding lights and quickly blinked a few times to allow my eyes to adjust. The strong scent of antiseptics permeated the air. Looking around, I realized I was in a hospital bed. An IV was attached to my wrist, and I could hear the steady beep of the heart monitor.

"Bryce!" Lily exclaims, grabbing my hand. "You're awake!" After a slight struggle, I get into a seated position. A few minutes later, my parents, Carter, Jack, and the Alpha, rush in. Lily must have mind-linked them.

"Thank goddess; you're okay!" My mom exclaims, hugging me tightly.

"Bryce, I'm glad you are okay, but we need answers now!" Alpha Rick demanded sternly.

"I don't know what happened. Carter and I heard a scream, and when we investigated, we found Isabella severely injured with two other dead bodies." I tell him honestly.

"We weren't talking about that," My Dad states firmly.

"Then what are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"This," Lily responds as she holds up my wrist with the bracelet. One glance at Carter gave me all I needed to know.

Oburo bracelets were not well known by the average werewolf, so someone must have told them what I was wearing. Guilt was plastered over his face when I glared at him.

"How could you?" I accuse Carter feeling betrayed.

"I'm sorry, Bryce, you were out for an entire week," Carter pleads. "The doctors couldn't figure out why your wolf was so weak,"

"You should be grateful," Jack breaks his silence. "Carter saved your life,"

"Once we knew what was happening, the pack doctor could ease the symptoms. Your wolf is on the verge of death, though. If we don't find a solution, you will lose Issac," My dad elaborates.

"Why?" Lily yells at me in anger. "How could you put your life at risk?!?"

"I didn't want to be rejected," I mumble under my breath.

"So you rejected them first without even giving them a chance," Jack accuses.

"I didn't know what to do!" I exclaimed. "I don't want to hurt them," I whisper.

"Why didn't you talk to us?" My mom sobs. "Were we that terrible that you couldn't confide in us?"

"When you recover, we will have to talk about this," Alpha Rick stated before exiting the room. Jack followed behind him but not before sending me a look of disappointment.

"We are working on a way to remove the bracelet," Carter informs me before leaving the room. Feeling faint, I pass out again, falling into a dream.


A figure covered in a white cloak stands a few feet away from me in a misty field surrounded by dead trees.

"Be careful," she whispered. "You must find your mate,"

What? Why? I wonder, confused, trying to discern her features. Her wavy silver hair peaked out from under the hood, but the misty fog covered the rest of her face. "Who are you?" I call out.

"Find him before it's too late," the woman warns. Her voice echoed as she faded away.

Then my surrounding shifted and blurred until I was inside what looked like a dark church. The only light came from torches that lined the stone wall.

Looking around, I saw the rows of people in black robes surrounding an altar. On the altar stood a tall man that looked extremely familiar.

"We must capture them. Their blood mixed together will bring us an untold amount of power," The man shouted.
I couldn't make out who it was, but hearing the man's voice, I was confident that I knew him or had seen him before.

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