Chapter 7-The Outlaw

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I am barely able to get through the next few days. After English on Thursday, I head to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. Carter follows closely behind me. After years of friendship, we both knew when something was wrong with the other.

"It's the bracelet, isn't it?" Carter accuses.

"It's nothing," I gruffly reply.

"I told you there would be consequences," Carter asserts. "There is a reason my brother was outlawed from the Coven."

Carter's brother, Dan, was the one who had enchanted the bracelet for me. Dark magic was illegal, so few practiced it.

"I'm sure it's not the bracelet. I can prove it." I go to remove the bracelet but am unable to do so.

Carter looks at me worriedly. "Dark magic poisons the soul. It's like a parasite."

I furrow my brows in frustration and attempt to rip off the bracelet again. However, the bracelet was fused with my skin, and the surrounding veins on my wrist had turned a dark, obsidian color.

"Shit," I uttered. I punch the mirror in frustration and watch as it shatters into small fragments. Ignoring the pain in my fist, I pull out the shards of glass. Instead of red oozing out from the wounds like expected, a black oily substance seeps out.

"It's the poison!" Carter gasps. "I'm so sorry....this is all my fault.....if I hadn't told you where he was.....I knew I couldn't trust him...I'm a terrible person," Carter rambles, breathing fast while grasping at his dark locks.

"It's okay," I reply, trying to calm him down. Carter was a very anxious person.

"I'm so sorry, Bryce," Carter apologizes with tears filling his eyes. "I don't want you to die!"

"I'll be fine," I consoled Carter. "I'm sure there is an explanation. Let's skip the rest of the day and see Dan. He will be able to explain things."

"You're right," Carter agrees, finally calming down. The hallway was empty since everyone was in the middle of third period, so as long as we didn't run into faculty, we would be fine. Carter and I exit through one of the side doors at the end of the hallway.

The fresh air eases the nausea I feel and helps clear my mind. Carter and I walk to the edge of the forest, where I then shift. Werewolf clothes were enchanted to prevent tearing when shifting. It also reappeared in the same condition when we return to human form.

I painfully shift into my dark brown wolf, and Carter stares in awe. Usually, shifting was not painful after the first time, but due to my weakened state, it was to be expected.

"I don't ever think I'll get used to that," Carter remarks. Carter crouches down to pet Issac before climbing on. Carter's brother, Dan, lived on the outskirts of town, and even in wolf form, the journey was long.

I stretched my limbs before running toward my destination. A few hours later, we reach Dan's wooden lodge.

After climbing off my back, Carter storms toward the cabin's front door to demand answers. I slowly shift back and wince when the transformation is done. Shifting into my wolf form had never hurt this much.

Before Carter could knock on the door, it swung open, revealing an older Carter. It was evident that the two were brothers as they both shared the same raven-black hair and green eyes. The only difference between the siblings was Dan's taller and lankier frame.

"I've been expecting you," Dan creepily shared.

"No shit," I reply. "What did you do to me?" I yelled.

"I only did what you asked," Dan grinned with a sly smile. "Why don't you come in? We can discuss what bothers you over tea."

I reluctantly follow Dan and Carter into the cabin and sit down at the kitchen table.

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