"guys, guys, guys, guys. will someone please just answer! what is going on? are you dead? if you're dead steve, i'm taking your clothes and hair products, man.."

with a sigh, robin sat down and began writing to them. 'vecna.'

"vec..na. vecna? what about vecna? have you found him? is he dead? or is the person writing this vecna? if it is, please don't kill me, i promise i'm a nice person.."

"what an idiot," robin huffed, beginning to write tillie's name to him too.

"tillie? vecna and tillie? wait— vecna's got tillie!" he screeched. "do you have music?"

robin replied with a yes, making dustin sigh in relief. she saw nancy and eddie re-emerge from the basement, a guitar in the boy's hand.

'brb,' she wrote into the energy, before standing up and following them out of the house.

"brb? what does that mean? hello?"


"i am nothing like you," matilda spat.

"oh, but you are," vecna told her. "it's why i became so attached to you so quickly, unlike the others. it's why i didn't give you the extra suffering i gave them. because you remind me of myself."

"that's cute," she replied with shaky breaths, praying to god that the others would hurry up and play some damn music to help her get out of there. "i appreciate the sentimentality."

"yes, we have a lot more in common than you think," the man spoke, stepping forwards and moving his face nearer to hers in attempts of scaring her, which it certainly did. "sensitive, quiet, antisocial, somewhat rude. unable to fit in with those around us, viewed as weak. and, neither of us have anyone. now chrissy's gone, you have no one left to live for. which means, your time really has come to an end."


"great, you found it," steve sighed in relief, still stood under tillie's floating body as a precaution. "now, what are you going to do with it? because i'm guessing we don't have much time left and shit is about to happen.."

"what i'm about to do," eddie started, pulling the guitar strap around his head. "will not go beyond the four of us. understood?"

"what are you going to do?" steve queried.

"do you understand?" eddie spoke clearly and firmly, preparing his fingers to play.

"yep, got it," steve nodded, falling silent.

eddie took a deep shaky breath, before beginning to strum to the rhythm of a song he knew was one of tillie's favorites. "when you were lonely, you needed a man.."

the other three's mouths dropped open in shock. "is he actually about to—? oh my god," robin murmured. "if they don't get married and have adorable little babies, i will sue."


"that's kind of accurate, i will say," tillie agreed, beginning to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen. "i am very overly emotional and i hate basically everyone.."

she heard a loud whooshing sound, and turned her head to see a portal opening, spotting eddie singing abba desperately, which made the biggest smile form on her face.

vecna quickly realized what was happening, and raised his hand over her face. suddenly, her mind starting replaying all the memories of her and eddie.

'i believe you.'

''happy valentine's day to the only girl in this world who talks to me.'

'if you ever need someone to drive you around for a change, let me know.'

'i want us to match.'

'keep complimenting me like that, princess, and i'll begin to think you're in love with me.'

'have you seen me on my guitar? someone with a shaky hand can't play like that.'

'lay on me, you idiot. i'll be your mattress.'

'it's okay. it's okay. just don't look.'

'i had this plan to run away the second i graduate.'
'by yourself? that's so lame.'
'maybe i could still run away. and since it's so lame to do it by myself, maybe you should come with me.'

'i would go absolutely anywhere with you.'

"but you got one thing wrong," she told him, maneuvering her leg through the tendril. "i do have someone worth living for.."

thankful for her flexibility, she was able to slip her leg out of his grip and kick him harshly, making him withdraw his tendril from around her neck.

without wasting another second, she began sprinting towards the portal, panting heavily as tears streamed down her face, eddie's melodic voice being the only thing keep her sane.

vecna hastily began following her, using his powers to send debris flying at her, which she narrowly dodged.

"you cannot run from me, matilda!" he hollered angrily, gaining on her.

she ran through a small puddle of water, which turned out to be deeper than she thought and ended up tripping her up. she grunted as she hit the floor, before looking up and seeing vecna stood over her.

"shit," she whispered, turning around and seeing she wasn't far from the portal now. she kicked the being in his shin, before scrambling back to her feet and continuing to run, thankful that years of track had allowed her legs to not cave in yet.

"falling in love with a woman like you, happens so quickly, there's nothing to do.." eddie sang desperately as she approached the portal.

just as she started to jump, vecna reached out a tendril to grab her foot and it became a race of time between them. the question was, who would get there first?


idek what to say..

i'm sure y'all are not dumb and can figure out the difference in scenes without me having to put the 📍 and tell you where shit is happening because babes i was not wasting my time on writing that every ten seconds

in other words, i found a steve fanfic i wrote a few months ago which has like ten chapters already written so i'm thinking about editing and posting it but idk

i have writers block with the other steve fic so i've decided to unpublish it until i get inspo but i still have a lot of ideas for this one lmao

it's called 'this town' and it's a best friends to strangers to lovers kinda thing
oh and the oc is hopper's daughter 😽
lmk if it it's something you guys would like!! <3

WORD COUNT — 1992.

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