High School Musical Rejects🍁

Start from the beginning

Chan hyung
You sound really old saying that

Chan hyung:
I am legit beside you don't test me

No do it
I'm hyped for a fight tbh

Hyunjin don't hype up
Violence please😭


you make me sound like im
80 or smth

Chan hyung:
Tbh min
U don't usually text us like this😅

Yeah it's usually straight forward replies
Like u don't want to talk to us haha

Well I'm a different being now

He's slaying cuz he's slay

Never say that again

SLAY WHAT YOU WANNA SLAY💅✨💅✨✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨💅✨✨💅


I must have looked pissed off because Felix started laughing beside me. I turned to look at him and saw him staring right back.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head. "You're face looked funny"

"Did you ask them?" He changed topic. I nodded my head "Yeah they'll come.. What about your friends?"

Felix hummed. "Two are available for 8 one will be an hour late, ha im a rapper"

"Hm, okay then"

"We should go shopping for snacks!" That sounded like effort but it had to be done. "Not today though" I sighed. Felix hummed and leaned his head on my shoulder. "I think we're both feeling unwell today"

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Sunday = shopping.

Felix and I were were in the local supermarket by our uni, it was specifically made for uni students. I say this cause half the shelves were just different types of ramen and the other half snacks.

There was barely any food that took a lot of effort to cook. Even stores felt the need to make our life easier because the education system fucking doesn't. Its like when your grandparents give you pocket money which could just about buy you a small bag of candy.

"Can we get these?" Felix holds up another bag of chips for the nth time. He's after going through all of them now.

I shake my head as I've decided we should stick to a certain amount of money on snacks and we already have five bags of chips in the basket.

"No" I sound like a mother telling her child to put things away. I should tell Jisung this later if I get the chance.

Jisung and I have been talking nonstop at the worst times of the day because night-time is the only time we're free. Jisung seemed to have a busier and well put together life than I did and it honestly made me sad that I couldn't text him at certain times and expect a reply straight away.

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