Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

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Kane was about to expand on his invitation when Effie knocked on the door and announced that lunch was ready. Giving Jamie one last lingering look, he helped her make their way to the kitchens where Catrina was stirring a large pot over the hearth.

"The MacDonald sisters send their condolences," Catrina said as she served them both bowls of the steaming soup. "Mary made this herself and wanted you to know she's thinking of you."

"I don't think I've met Mary," Jamie responded. She sat across from him and gave him a look that seemed to say, This conversation isn't over.

"Deidra's sister," Catrina supplied. "Both the women run the tavern. They inherited it from their parents after they died about ten years ago."

"Their family has lived here for centuries," Kane added, watching Jamie as he waited for the soup to cool down.

"Hmm. Maybe I should talk to them then."

Jamie's eyes met his challengingly, and he knew what she was threatening. He needed to give her more information or she would undoubtedly start looking for it herself. Even with her ankle, she was tenacious enough to seek out help. He knew that Catrina and Effie could be easily manipulated, as could any of the other townsfolk. Hell, if he wasn't careful he would end up giving her whatever she wanted.

"Aye," Catrina agreed. "Deidra herself is a bit of an amateur historian actually. She knows everything about the town and its history."

Jamie's gaze gleamed but stayed on his. "Oh, I should definitely talk to her then."

Kane reminded himself to go speak to Deidra when he had the chance.

As the soup cooled, the two of them began to eat in earnest. It was hearty, a chicken-based soup full of vegetables and herbs. But something tasted... different. He was used to Deidra and Mary's cooking, familiar with their style and choice of flavors. They cooked the way their parents had taught them and their parents before them. This did not taste like them.

"How's your soup, lass?" he asked Jamie.

She ate voraciously, scooping up more with her bread after a large spoonful. "Very good." She seemed to be eating more and more, gobbling it up as if she was ravenous.

"Could I have some more, Catrina?" She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and held up her bowl while her leg jiggled under the table.

"Don't worry, miss, you won't starve." Catrina chuckled as she slopped out more and handed it to Jamie.

By the time she had finished the second bowl and asked for thirds, Kane was starting to get suspicious.

"This is just the best soup I've ever tasted," Jamie practically moaned. She showed no sign of slowing down and her eyes had gone glassy. Her face was flushed and Kane could see the beginning of sweat accumulating on her brow.

When she asked for a fourth helping, Kane intervened.

"Lass, let me have a look at you."

"I'm fine, Murdock. I'm just hungry."

He gave Catrina a warning look when she went to get another bowl, and he squatted down in front of Jamie so he could get a better look.

She looked drunk. Three sheets to the wind drunk. Her eyes were unfocused and bloodshot, her pupils dilated so much he could no longer see the irises. She swayed unsteadily, leaning one of her arms on the chair even though it seemed to have the strength of a noodle. The sweat had begun to pour down her temples and her lips had become cracked. Her eyelids drooped and her speech came out slurred when she tried to swat him away.

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