A great warrior

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When she opened her eyes, the sun was just rising at the horizon and she was amazed she actually fell asleep. In an hour or so, the guards will come, waking everyone to entertain Baruing’s guests for another day. But the prison doors opened earlier and as she listened, she realised the steps were coming closer. Two guards stopped in front of Asendriel’s cell.

‘Get up! By the grace of our Lord, you are permitted to see a healer!’

Their words were accompanied by the sound of a rusty key turning in a rusty lock. She got to her cell door just in time to see them getting the blood elf general out of his cell and she had to admit: things were not looking good. Even though he had spoken so bravely the night before, in the light, she could see him and the state he was in.

She didn't get to see his face, only his long black hair. It seemed to shine dark blue in the sunlight. He tried to walk straight and proudly, but he was limping. He still had bits of his armor, like half of his left sleeve and his torso covered, but overall, he was a disaster. Bruises and cuts and hardened blood covered most of his unprotected skin and she couldn’t help but wonder how many of his wounds were not visible to the eye...and how many were received after he ran into Baruing’s men.

‘Alera, where are they taking him?’

His partner didn't waste a second after the guards left, looking in their direction.

‘All the healers are in the west wing, so probably there.’

She could barely see the other blood elf as well, now, through the cell bars. He had short blond, messy hair and even though his armor was in a better state, it wasn’t by far. Small cuts and bruises covered him as well, but they seemed to be healing a bit faster.

‘I never got your name last night,’ she suddenly spat. 

The blood elf turned to her. She couldn't read his expression too well, but the general feeling seemed to be concern.

‘Tellor Sunleaf…’ his look became a little more gentle.

‘All the healers are also prisoners, and their only job is to heal the other slaves as much as they can. None of them will harm him.’ Alera said, trying to encourage him, but there wasn't much she could hang on to.

‘What about Baruing?’

‘It’s difficult to say...usually he wants to see what the new prisoners are capable of. Judging by your armor, I’m guessing he knows you two are soldiers. Does he know your ranks?’

‘I don't think so.’

‘Good. Then there is a chance he might put you against weaker combatants. However…’

She hesitated, but Tellor kept looking at her and waiting for her to continue. She looked apologetic and continued: ‘however, as I said last night, he may try to hurt me through you…’

‘What? It makes no sense’, Tellor replied, lowering his voice. The other prisoners were starting to get up.

‘He may try to kill you two only to make me watch two of my kin die right before my eyes. You two are the only other blood elves he’s got in the last seven years...and we three are the only ones remaining here.’

‘Seven years?! Alera, how long have you been here for?’

Alera smiled sadly at him. ‘Enough to know that there is no way out.’

Tellor wanted to ask more, but the prison doors opened and around thirty guards swarmed in. The day was starting. The guards took the prisoners out of their cells, around seventy or eighty men and herded them all towards the prison doors. Shortly after he got out, Tellor noticed one guard remaining behind next to Alera’s cell. He tried to catch a glimpse of her as he was dragged outside, along with the others, but he couldn't see her.

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