Minutes turned into hours but Han was still outside. It was more than two hours since Han was gone and now everyone started worrying. Han's mom tried calling him but his phone was turned off. Now she was scared. She requested Mr. Lee to come with her and search for Han. 

"Aunt, you should stay here. I'll go with dad. We'll surely find him. Please don't worry." Minho said. Deep down he was also scared shitless. He knew very well that Han isn't an irresponsible person. Something was definitely wrong.

"Yes mom! Stay here. I'll go with Minho and uncle. Call us if hyung returns."

The three males were about to leave when the door opened. Everyone snapped their neck towards the door to see Han coming in. However, the smile on seeing Han back lasted for just a second.

Han had his face badly wounded. There was dried blood on his lips. His cheeks and forehead were bruised. One of his eyes was swollen and looked a shade darker than usual. He was barely holding the bags in his hands. His palm was also bruised. He was having difficulty in walking.

Everyone rushed to him. Giwook took the bags from him. Mrs. Han hugged him. The storm in her mind finally found an outlet from her eyes in the form of tears. She sobbed hard in the arms of her son.

Minho felt a lump in his throat. He wasn't able to speak or react. He never saw Han this hurt. He saw how Han flinched when Mrs. Han hugged him indicating he was more hurt than it appeared. It broke his heart how Han was trying to calm his mother when he was having difficulty in even raising his hand.

After few minutes when Mrs. Han calmed, Han was brought to the couch in the living room. Mrs. Han was sitting on the left of Han while Minho was the on the right side. It was so normal for him to be by Han's side that it felt weird otherwise. Giwook got the first-aid kit from the kitchen and gave it to Mrs. Han who started treating her son. Han held Minho's hand tightly because of the pain. No one said anything.

"I'm sorry. I ruined tonight's dinner." Han chuckled tiredly after his wounds were dealt with.

"Shut up and explain. What in the world happened?" Minho asked before Mrs. Han could say anything.

"How do I shut up and explain?"

"Don't you dare try to act smart in front of me. Tell me what happened?"

Other people in the house could only see the exchange between the two.

" Um- actually I got into a fight. They-"

" What the hell Han Jisung? Who allowed you to get into a fight?" Mrs. Han said this time.

" Mom it was for a good cause"

"No fights are for good causes"

"But this one was and mom I've brown belt in karate. Stop worrying. I'm fine just-"

"You call this fine?"

" This is because there were a lot of them"

"More is the reason for not fighting"

"Mom, they were literally harassing that girl. How could I turn a blind eye to that."


"I told you it was for a good cause. If I didn't help, god knows what could have happen."


"Mom~~ wha-why are you crying?Mom please, I'm fine. I'll be good as new in few days."

"I hate you."

"Aww. I love you too." Han engulfed his mom again and this time his younger brother also joined the family hug.

"Mom, we can have our family bonding time later on. Everyone would be hungry. Let's eat first." Han said a few minutes later.

All of them stood up and went to the dining table. Han had again grasped Minho's hand out of excruciating pain in his legs. The latter supported him along with Giwook to walk to the table.

"Hannie eat this." Mrs. Lee gave Han steak.

"Hannie have this also." Mrs. Han gave him some chicken stew.

"Mom! Aunt! Please help yourselves. I'll ask if i want something. Stop worrying."


"Mom, I'll change and come. Wookie, come on. Help me go upstairs." Han yelled to his mom who was washing dishes in the kitchen along with Mrs. Lee.

Giwook held Han's hand and led him to the stairs. When Han landed his feet on the very first stair, a sharp pain jolted from his hips.


Minho, who was noticing this, went to the brothers and swept Han off his feet.

"Min- Minho what the hell? Put me down you idiot. I'm heavy. Wookie would help me. I can manage. Go and sit- wait! Listen to me you dumbass. Put me down" Han whispered the last part harshly as was embarrassed about their position in front of his brother who was gonna tease him forever about it. He didn't want any more attention than this which is why he was whispering otherwise he'd be yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Keep my dad busy. I'll come after sending him to his room." Minho asked Giwook.

"No wait! I need more of his help. Thank you but no thank you. Giwook would help me. YOU keep your dad busy."

"Sorry hyung but you are actually heavy
I don't think I can carry you. Handling uncle is easier than carrying you. Adios amigos." With this Giwook went to Mr. Lee.

"No, you asshat! Wait! Giwoookkk" Han again whispered harshly.

Minho gave a square bracket smile to Han before continuing climbing the stairs.

"Um- Min, can you please send Giwook now. I seriously need his help. "

"What do you need? Tell me, I'll help you. "

"I need to change god dammit. Would YOU help me undress?" Pink was dusted on Han's face on the innuendo that slipped out of his mouth. About Minho, let's just say, his imagination ran wild and he felt the need to  get out of the room immediately.


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