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Today was a meal time as usual. The luxurious table was lined with delicious food prepared with great care down to the smallest detail. In the seat of only three, there was talk of an interesting event that shook the social world or a luxury that was in vogue in the capital.

'What's going on with her?'

As Lisa, who would normally be joking around with her sarcasm, was looking dead while eating her meal, Countess Deborah looked at her daughter anxiously. Lisa would have normally been excited to chat with them.

"Lisa, did you not like the food? You usually eat well but you seem to have no energy today."

"No. The steak is very good."

Contrary to what she said, Lisa's plate wasn't even half empty. As she said, the steak was tender and well cooked but Lisa looked like she was chewing on rubber.

"...Ah! How is Jungkook doing these days? You've met well until last time, but I don't think I've heard much about him lately"

"Ah...... It seems Jungkook is very busy. Now that we have graduated, there must be a lot of work to do."

Lisa's expression darkened as if a dark cloud had cast over her when her mother asked about Jungkook. Lisa's voice, delivering the news, was muffled and heartbroken, probably because of Jungkook's busy schedule.

"Darling, please say something too!"

Sandara glared at her husband as he had talked well before but was now silent. The Count coughed in vain and tried to think of something that would bring his daughter's mood up.

"Lisa, you used to be small but soon you will become an adult next year."

"Yes, that's right......."

Thankfully, the daughter, whom he cherished as a precious child, grew up healthy without getting sick. Count Deborah wanted to do everything for Lisa to give her the best possible support so that she could have a smooth future.

The thing they were most concerned about right now was about Lisa's marriage. They couldn't marry their daughter, whom they had raised dearly, to someone who was like an insignificant scoundrel. They hoped more than anyone that she would find a mate who would love each other and love for the rest of their lives as they did, who would be responsible for protecting the family for a long time.

"So that's the thing, sweetheart. Aren't you going to have to find a good husband soon too? The truth is that this father was little by little looking for a good-looking man who would be your fiancée."

"Yes? Engagement?"

Lisa's eyes widened at her sudden words from her father. She was startled, but she was at an age when aristocratic girls her age would likely have a fiancée, so she nodded her head in agreement with her father.

"There are several candidates who have been carefully selected and screened out as men who are likely to suit you. Above all else, your opinion is the most important, so let's discuss it while looking at portraits soon."

The Count spoke kindly, recalling the request for marriage that had flooded in at the news that he was looking for Lisa's fiancée. As long as only the eyes that snarky people see are alive. The Count snorted and laughed. There were only a few who passed his standards as strict as the eye of a needle.

"Thank you, father and mother."

In fact, the marriage of aristocrats was usually the one-sided choice of the parents. Even her parents, who were always close, were in fact a political relationship by marriage. It was a common and ideal marriage to become a family on paper while weighing the complex interests of marriage due to the position of aristocrats. Because of this, Lisa had also vaguely thought that her parents would decide her own marriage. Therefore, her parents' love for her to respect her own opinion as much as possible touched her heart.

"Lisa, it may feel sad to hear this, but Jungkook is a nobleman who has already completed his coming-of-age ceremony and has been appointed as the head of his next family. And you, too, are approaching the age of majority. No matter how long you've been with Jungkook, now you need to keep a reasonable distance for each other."

"...... Yes, I understand what you mean."

Lisa immediately recognized her mother's secret intentions.

No matter how close they were, if you see grown men and women sticking together wherever they go, there was a high probability that unfavorable gazes will follow. There were many eyes in society, overflowing with luxuries, and their ears and mouths were as fast as arrows at their prey. And the more false rumors, the more often they were inflated from the truth. It was right to be more careful, especially when dealing with marriage issues.

'Come to think of it, Jungkook has never talked about marriage. Well...... Jungkook has never been interested in these kinds of things.'

She couldn't imagine Jungkook falling in love with someone. Even if he got married without love, Jungkook was not shameless enough to bully his wife or treat her badly. Unlike his cold appearance, he had a surprisingly friendly side, so he would definitely have a not so bad marriage.

'Why am I feeling this way?'

Lisa felt a strange feeling as she abruptly stopped poking at her salad. She felt choked when she briefly imagined that there was another woman next to Jungkook. She patted her chest, thinking she has an upset stomach.

'What am I thinking? I probably wouldn't get married to Jungkook anyway.'

The two were friends, nothing more. It would be the same for Jungkook.

She was always happy that she was friends with Jungkook, but now it felt like she was blocked by a solid wall. Lisa admitted that Jungkook was a large part of her life.

'My mother is right. From now on, I'll have to pay more attention to myself.'

She had to practice keeping a little distance from him. Lisa rose from her seat, asking her father to show her the portraits of those who were her fiancée candidates. As she listened to her parents' consolation, telling her not to worry too much, a little smile cleared up Lisa's face.

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