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Having made a concession to his true feelings, Jungkook calmly gathered his mind and looked for the starting point where such feelings might have come from.

On the day of the festival, when we met after promising to meet and looked around the night market? Or was it when he saw Lisa dancing at the ball in the Imperial Palace? If not then.......

Jungkook remembered when the two were cute little kids. When Lisa's small hands were clutching her parents hand who were introducing her to him. As he recalled the memories of their childhood, Jungkook unconsciously put a soft smile on his lips, immersed in the nostalgic memories of her.

"...... Ah."

Later, he noticed his change, and his pupils dilated greatly like a person who had a silent epiphany with a short sigh.

In his recollection, he couldn't find any particular moment that made Lisa feel different. However, Lisa and himself had been by each other's side for a long time.

It was a special feeling that permeates little by little as if it's soaked in drizzle. That was the answer Jungkook has found.


"...... Jungkook must have been very angry."

Contrary to how she boldly went out, Lisa's face when she returned to her mansion was like a person who had gone through a bad day. With the help of her maids, she changed into her comfy robe and fell straight down on her bed, swinging her feet, burying her face in her pillow.

"I thought you would definitely like it."

It would have been nice if there was at least a warm and lukewarm reaction. However, even after hearing her surprise, Jungkook did not show any signs of being moved or thankful. He seemed to think that she did something useless.

"...... Or maybe he's angry because I've been rude."

No matter how much Jungkook shared with her, there was a line she had to keep. She seemed to have crossed that line because she was blinded by her selfish good intentions.

"I have to apologize to Jungkook soon."

Lisa murmured in dismay and languished helplessly. Jungkook was very scary once he was angry as he didn't usually get angry. Lisa, who had seen him angry before, decided to wait until his anger subsided to some extent, and then talk about it again.

'Ah...... Still?'

One day passed, and then two days passed like that. While Lisa was waiting for her chance, Lisa was nervous and she was worried that she might lose her relationship with Jungkook. Lisa tried to be more patient.

"Sarah, did you receive any letters for me?"

"Wait a minute, miss."

While having tea time alone for a while, Lisa's question, which seemed to be waiting for something, was accompanied by her maid, who placed several invitations in front of her on a silver plate.

"You can leave now, Sarah."

Lisa let her maid leave the room, and quickly went through the letters, checking the patterns of each family in the wax.

"There's nothing?"

Even after checking again, there was no envelope with the emblem of the Jeon family on it. Lisa's heart pounded. If it was the usual Jungkook, he would have sent a plain invitation with a simple sentence asking to drink tea together around this time.

As if to encourage her disappointment, there were numerous invitations to tea parties to share tea and talk with young girls who knew her. Lisa skimmed through the invitation, which she had lost interest in, and raised her quill to send a reply with a refusal to all of them out of courtesy.

[Jungkook, This is Lisa.]

However, the first sentence she wrote down was an invitation to Jungkook to have a cup of tea with her even if he was busy and that she would visit his mansion in a few days. Honestly, she wanted to ask about whether he was still angry, but for now, she decided to hold it in case she makes another mistake.

"I'm going to prepare a present for Jungkook as well."

Lisa thought she had to go to the mall tomorrow to buy something that would ease his mind. Then, the kind-hearted Jungkook will accept a clumsy apology if he sees her sincerity.

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