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'Come on, it's a present! I made it by hand for you, so you must use it! Okay? Let me know how it is afterwards!'

Jungkook, who had come from his bath, wiped off the water and was at a loss while holding the small bottle that Lisa had given him.

"What mischief are you going to do this time?"

Lisa, an old friend of his, was a bright and cheerful woman. Lisa was very interested in potions made with all kinds of magic, and often used Jungkook as the subject of her experiments. She used to cite the fact that he was the longest friend she had, but it was an excuse that was hard to understand even if he made hundreds of concessions for her.

Jungkook slowly tilted his bottle from side to side while looking suspicious. A strange liquid, a mixture of pink and yellow, glimmered as he moved his hand.

'Before you go to sleep! You can drink it in one gulp. Oh, it really isn't dangerous.'

Lisa's voice, who insisted on him using the questionable finished product in his hand despite repeated rejections, seemed to ring in his ears. It was very suspicious to see a friend who forced him to use it today, but....... Jungkook knew that Lisa would be persistent until he listened to her properly, so he sighed lightly and picked up a cork that sealed the top firmly.

"Because you always act bullish."

That said, Lisa had never done anything to harm him.

"Although sometimes she would sulk when she was mad at me..."

...... I haven't offended Lisa lately, have I?

Jungkook shivered, swallowing her his saliva, recalling the embarrassment of bunny ears growing on his head around this time last year. It was all Lisa's fault, but it was oddly hard to get her mad at her due to her sincerity.

"I have to drink this in one gulp?"

Jungkook seemed hesitant for a while, unable to erase his suspicions, but then, he swallowed in one mouthful while feeling deceived.


Apart from the pretty color, the taste was not good. Jungkook made a slight expression and was nervous that something suspicious was about to happen. But contrary to his worries, there was no effect or change.

"What is this. Are you trying to make fun of me in the first place?"

Jungkook muttered in despair, put down the empty bottle and laid himself down on the bed to relieve his bland mood. His eyes closed neatly, and after a while, regular breathing began to fill the bedroom. It was a peaceful night like any other.

* * * (Read on )

There seemed to be a clear sound of birds chirping beyond the faintly disturbed mind. Jungkook's eyelids, which always stuck to a regular life, opened slowly. The focus seemed to be gradually return to the blue eyes hidden in them, but he felt an ominous sign and moved quickly. The cozy atmosphere was unfamiliar. It was a place he has never seen in his life, and was not his own space.
'Who's next to me?'

Jungkook was surprised by the presence of the person next to him and raised himself from his bed. It was a woman who laid on her back. With her silky ultramarine hair scattered out, the body of the woman, who sighed and fell asleep, smelled the deceptively fragrant smell of flowers from the garden. She was Lisa.

"...... Lisa?"

Jungkook asked himself with a confused look on his face. Like his lost pupil, his voice, scattered in the air, also trembled dangerously. He twisted his thigh hard, wondering if this was a dream, but a deep pain that he wouldn't feel in his dreams came rushing through his thigh.

'Is it because of the potion last night? What is this?'

Lisa was lying on the bed in a thin slip. As Lisa exhaled slowly, her bare white shoulders shook regularly.

'Is this all Lisa's plan?'

It was too reckless and foolish to simply tease him like this. In addition, could Lisa create a magic drug that could instantaneously move a person overnight, but let alone such a problem, Jungkook had to have a conversation with her about an absurd prank right now.

He was angry at her excessive playfulness. Jungkook didn't even know how he felt and shook her shoulders loudly and called Lisa a couple of times in an angry voice.

'Calm down, Jeon Jungkook. It's true that I'm upset right now, but let's do it as best we can.'

Ethan found that he was very rarely angry with Lisa. Jungkook took a deep breath as he tried to calm his agitation.


Lisa had no choice but to open her eyes a little earlier than usual, perhaps astonished by the rough wake. Lisa, who was tired from the fatigue that had not yet gone, rubbed her eyes a little hard, and then she turned her body naturally to face Jungkook with a stiff expression on his face.



In her long silence, her starlight yellow eyes were staring blankly at her Jungkook.

Why is he making that face? Are you mad at me? Why? Lisa couldn't understand why so she stretched her arm out and held his hand.

"...... darling?"

Jungkook's face, which was like a stone wall, fell to pieces in an instant.


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