Chapter 1

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I started sobbing and bending down to my knees. I couldn't believe I lost everyone I loved. My family, bestest and closest friends. Everyone. I never had anyone. I still live with my mom and everyday when I try to talk and get things back together again, It doesn't change. "Hey, mom I'm going to the shore. I'll be back whenever...." I answered with pain inside me. I gave her a few minutes to reply back to me but she didn't. I left and started to cry walking down to the shore. Everything around me was beautiful. People walking all around talking, having fun, and spending their lives as happy as they could. Today was amazing. The sun shined brightly as ever. A little bit of breeze coming then and there. As I walked passed people laughing, I walked on the sand, bawling my eyes out. I bumped into someone and just sat there for many reasons. "Oh my gosh I'm sooooo sorry! I didn't mean to run into you." I ignored what that person said to me. So I just stood up and looked at the person's face. I stood their motionless, I quickly wiped away my tears. "I-i-im sorry. I was just um... walking and I bumped into you. I'm Faith." I responded carefully. "Hey. It's ok. Im Madison Alamia. How come you were crying?" He suddenly asked and I just stood their as my tears started rolling down my cheek. I answered him back, "Umm... It's nothing. No one ever listens to me so forget it." I walked away from him painfully and something stopped me. I looked back and he was holding onto my wrist. "Come on Faith. I'm here, I promise." He came closer to me standing there. I don't know what happened but I pushed my body against his and cried onto his shoulder. He rubbed my back and forth and pulled me back. "Now, explain me everything....I'll listen" with that he smiled and I started to talk......................................... I started to explain myself, "To start off, I know who you are. Your in 'To Be One'. Anyways in the past I've been miserable. Everything that I used to have is gone because of one mistake that I THOUGHT was a right thing to do. I lost my family, my bestest and closests friends, everything. I've been dancing to take the pain away. But It barely works. Anyway, Mikey and Nick did something bad 2 years ago and I told my mom while Shealeigh was with me. My mom told the cops and then my mom said she was responsible for it. She was protecting them instead me. When she got out of jail she started abusing me. Then everyone ignored me because apparently I was the 'snob' who told what they did. Everyone was on their side but me. At school they started calling me names and I can't deal with things anymore than this. I just wanna leave and live somewhere else. All I've been doing is paying my whole attention on getting myself famous. But nothing ever happened." I finished explaining everything that took an hour and I saw tears on his cheeks. I cried even more and waited for him to respond back. He sat their speechless and then opened his mouth to speak.

Madison's Pov.

"I just wanna leave and live somewhere else. All I've been doing is paying my whole attention on getting myself famous. But nothing ever happened." She finsished after an hour and I sat there crying. Until she cried even more. I wiped away my tears and started to reply back. "Im so sorry Faith. I can't believe people did this you even your own mom. To be honest Mikey, Nick and Shealeigh? I noticed they changed too. They never been their own selfs lately. I can't believe people would do that to you. Your beautiful, amazing, honest, nice, kind, perfect and everything else. Trust me I'm your new friend and I'm here. Through thick and thin. Come live with me. I promise my mom would understand. Just to warn you I have two brothers. Justin and Spencer. But if you don't think it's good living with me then my mom can rent you a hotel." I smiled and grabbed her into a hug. She heavily sighed and said, "Thanks Madison. Your truly amazing. I'll give it a try. ok. Now lets go get my things." I hugged her even tighter and smiled. She smiled a little bit and we started walking to her house. I called my mom and explained everything. Faith looked at me and I nodded saying it was totally fine. We arrived at her house and I have to tell you it was HUGE! I walked in behind her and she led me up to her room. I sighed quietly, because she's beautiful and I'm starting to fall for her. Since she had the time to talk to me and explain, instead of run away like other girls would do. I followed her into her room and I saw her already packing her things. I helped her pack. When I opened one dawer full of underwear and bras, I stood there looking at them until she noticed what I was looking at. "HEY! MADISON! Stop starring!" She yelled and ran to the drawer and shoved everything into her hands and putted them into her suitcase. I looked at her and smiled. She blushed. The first time I ever seen her blush. It melted me inside....

ELLOOO GUISE! New story here!:) Sorry if its a short chapter. I'm still working on it:) FAN,COMMENT, VOTE and SHARE! PLEASE:))) Thanksss byeee loviess~Faith

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