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Hello everyone!

So sorry about the how long it's taken me to get back to this story. I really enjoyed doing ONC2022, but it did end up taking up all of my writing time!

On the positive side, ONC2022 is done and after having a slightly hectic few months I'm able to dedicate my time to Black Holes again 😊 🙌 🎉.

I've just published some updates to the chapters that were already out (nothing big, just fixing up some descriptions/wording) and I'll be posting the next new chapter tomorrow!! After that I'll be going back to my regular schedule (one chapter every two weeks). 

I hope everyone is having a lovely July! Have you read any good books this month? I'm on the hunt for a few bingeable holiday reads 😊  

- Skylar xx

Black Holes - The Mors Mortis Trilogy Book 3Where stories live. Discover now