Chapter Eight

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"I still don't understand why you decided to come in guns blazing," Riley said dryly.

She was leaning against the wall, her eyes flicking between the beretta dangling from Cassandra's hands and the pot of water on the stove.

It'd taken ten minutes for Cassandra and Riley to reach an agreement, the basis of which included Cassandra keeping her gun and Riley being given permission to cook pasta.

Zarah had remained quiet throughout the negotiations, trying to figure out who was in control as she tiptoed around them, grabbing water and a damp towel to press against Danny's forehead. They'd manoeuvred him onto the couch a couple minutes ago, and he now lay there with his mouth hanging open, completely oblivious to the world as Zarah dabbed away the blood crusting at his temple.

"We brought our guns because we don't trust you," Cassandra replied. "Obviously."

Riley scoffed, but she didn't look particularly bothered.

"As far as I'm aware, there's only one person in this room who has a history of betraying the S.I.S, Cass. And it's not me."

Zarah's gaze flicked to Cassandra, and from her expression, Zarah was certain another screaming match was about to erupt. But then Danny groaned and jerked up, almost knocking Zarah from the armrest.

Zarah yelped, and for a long moment, Danny just blinked at the three of them, his eyes dazed.

"Hey Dan," Riley said, eyeing him uncertainly. "How are you —"

Her words dropped off as Danny tried to stand and stumbled back onto the couch, going slightly green.

"Ah," Riley said. "Not great, then."

"Of course he's not great," Cassandra snapped as Zarah grabbed Danny's arm and pressed ice against his temple. "You clocked him over the head with a kettle."

"Only because I didn't realise it was him. What would you have done if you found someone rummaging around your apartment?"

"I would've assessed the situation."

"I did assess—"

"Stop talking, both of you."

Zarah's voice was soft, wavering, but it did its job, and Riley turned on her, eyes narrowed.

"Excuse me?"

Zarah fought the urge to shrink away and met the red-haired girl's stare head on.

Usually, Zarah let powerful people have their way. But every time Riley or Cassandra spoke, Danny tensed, new beads of sweat popping up on his forehead. She wasn't about to let him pass out again because they refused to be civil.

"This conversation isn't productive," Zarah said. "And Danny's only just woken. Give him a minute to readjust."

Danny breathed out beside her, the sound an airy 'thank you', and Riley's eyes flicked to him, her disdain faltered slightly.

"Zarah's right," Cassandra said. "We should sit down."

Riley glanced at the pot boiling on the stove and then followed Cassandra's lead, sitting at the kitchen table.

"Fine," she said, her eyes hooded in a way that somehow looked both dangerous and lazy. "Why are you here?"

"We just want to ask you some questions," Cassandra said.

Riley glanced at Danny, her gaze shooting out from beneath her lashes.

"We?" she asked. "Are you two a team now? I'm going to be honest Dan, Cass is the last person I'd have expected to team up with you. She's the reason you're dead, right?"

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