Welcome Home

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    "Oh our little Jiminie, we'll miss you!"
I look at Jin and all of his family crying as they hug Jimin. Jin is too angry to say goodbye, so he's just holding Jimin in silence.
After they're all done crowding him, Jimin approaches me and stands directly in front, making me look down because he's so short. He smiles widely, and I chuckle.
"Will you miss me Kookie?"
My eyebrows raise in surprise a little before laughing and ruffling his messy black hair.
I guess I will.
"Of course, Jiminie. I hope you have fun." I smile down at him, and don't really acknowledge his smile falling.
"I-I'll be better when I come back," he says. My eyes squint a little.
"What does that mean-"
"Bye everyone!" Jimin cuts me off as he smiles and waves to everyone as he walks out with his aunt...
Okay, then?

Years Later.

           Jeon Jungkook
I walk through the halls feeling utterly awkward as I see teachers and teenage girls giving me looks that scream, please, take me right now.

Even while wearing grey joggers, a lose black hoodie, and holding three boxes of donuts, people still give those looks.

Do I mind? Course not, I'm very flattered. But, just, maybe i'd prefer receiving these looks from people who aren't sixteen, and don't have children the same age as me, perhaps?

I knock on Yoongi's classroom door a few times, before a student lets me in. A small female with long dark black hair, quite small, smiling up at me as if I'm a puppy, or something.

I give a small smile and a little bow as my thanks, before walking in. Yoongi looks up at me and raises a brow.

"You're, late," he says.

I sigh.

"I still showed up, didn't I?"

He stands up straight and crosses his arms in silence. I sigh again.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry. Traffic was horrible. But, I still managed to get the donuts!"

I turn to face the whole class.

"Excited to celebrate being the most successful class, everyone?!" I say, raising the donuts in the air with a wide smile.

I examine the room.

One half, the students look extremely bored, and the other half of students are looking at me with hearts in their eyes.

I frown and slowly put the boxes down.

"I guess High school students don't care much about donut parties anymore?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and takes the boxes from my hands, then sets them on his desk.

"You all know the drill, one at a time, and don't you dare forget a napkin," he says in a firm voice.

I chuckle as I take a seat in a random empty desk in the very front.

"This is your version of celebrating the highest scores in the school?" I ask.

Yoongi smiles sarcastically, "Got any better ideas, genius?"

I roll my eyes and lean back, "Min Yoongi, my dear friend, I've got great ideas cooked up for parties."

I wink, making him roll his eyes as he just sighs heavily before sitting back into his big, black chair.

Devotion (Jikook)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang