4. Meet The Alpha

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Kate's POV

I spent the rest of the school day slumped over my chair, waiting to be released. I just wanted to go home and read one of my books so I could continue my little pity party.

I arrived back at my house at about 3:45 p.m. as I walked through the door I was greeted by my dad and a huge, middle aged man. The man had dark brown hair and a pretty set of green eyes that looked so familiar to me.

"Kate, this is our packs former alpha Mr. West" said my dad

"Hello sweetie. It's nice to meet you. I hope you'll grow to enjoy living with our pack" Mr. West simply stated.

"It's nice to meet you too Mr. West" I spoke with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes, I was still too sad to be genuinely happy to meet this man, although he did seem nice I just wanted to go to my room and be alone.

"Please, call me James. Well I just stopped by to make sure you both felt welcomed. My son will also come by soon to introduce himself and make sure you know about the future pack meetings and so on."

"Okay. Thank you sir" my dad and I replied

"You're very welcome! Call if you need anything" James shouted while making his way to the door.

"Well he seems nice"

"Yes dad he seems really nice" I said while solemnly walking to the stairs.

"KatyBear, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine.... Just a hard first day of school" I responded, not looking towards him knowing that if I was he might see my tears threating to fall. Instead of continuing this conversation I sprinted up the stairs and fell onto my bed crying. I apparently fell asleep for a few hours because when I woke up it was about 7:30 at night. I made my way downstairs to get some food when I heard the doorbell ring. "Kate, you're up and just in time, I think that's the alpha at the door. Will you please go answer it while I pour some drinks?" My dad said in a panicked voice.

"Sure dad!" I yelled back at him while making my way to the door. When I opened the front door I definitely did not expect my mate to be standing there! 'But oh does he look good' my wolf said. I had to agree, he did look good leaning up against the side of the door frame with dark fitted jeans on and his luscious brown hair styled messily. Once I realized I was staring I looked away in hopes that he would just disappear. I wanted him so badly and seeing him here just makes my heart hurt even more than it already did. "Can I come in?" he spoke in the sexiest voice imaginable, I could feel goosebumps running up my body from it. Then when I knew I could control my voice I looked at him and said "Umm, No"

"No?" he replied, seeming shocked by my answer. I'm assuming he doesn't hear the word 'No' to often, I mean look at him.

"No" I stated again.

"Well why the hell not?"

"Because we are expecting the alpha any minute now and so I need you to leave." He responded to this with a big grin and a chuckle that made my knees go weak. 'Curse that gorgeous face of his' I thought to myself.

"Well babe sorry to disappoint you but I am the alpha"

"What!!" I screamed, and without thinking slammed the door in his face.

Coleton's POV

She did not seriously just slam the door in my face, did she? 'Our Mate's feisty! I like that' whispered my wolf. After just a few seconds she reopened the door. I just eyed her and said "Are you good now?"

"No" she said with and attempt at a stern face but it just turned out looking like a cute, pouting child.

"Alright well can I at least come in"

"Yes" she continued with that adorable pout, I chuckled and told her thank you as I made my way through the door. As we approached the living room I saw who I assumed was my mates dad setting up some drinks and snacks no doubt to try and make a good first impression. He then looked up and said "Hello, Sir. You must be our Alpha. This is my daughter Kate and I'm Jerry, please have a seat". I took a seat on the couch and then introduced myself "It's nice to meet you, Jerry. I'm Coleton but I'd prefer it if you called me Cole." I then turned to the gorgeous little figure sitting across from me and gave her a one over with my eyes, "So your names Kate?"

"Yes, but you can call me Katherine. I only let people I like call me Kate." After she said this I almost growled, I could feel my wolf getting pissed at her disrespect towards us.

"Kate!" Her father yelled, snapping me out of my trance. "Don't speak that way to our alpha. Apologize now!"

"No its fine, Jerry. I don't think I really started off our friendship on the right foot anyways"

"You think" I heard her whisper under her breath and although she was having a bad attitude towards me, it made me sad knowing that she doesn't really want me. 'She does want you!' growled my wolf 'But you pushed her away within the first hour of knowing her! You should have stood up for her in class earlier and you shouldn't have been messing around with that slut in the hallway!' My wolf was furious. I could feel him trying to force me into wolf form so he could run over to Kate and curl up in a ball next to her. He's already such a softie when it comes to her; all he wants is for her to feel safe and happy. 'I want her now! You will make her feel welcomed by us and let her know she should not be afraid of us hurting her feelings! I need her wolf, Cole, and I can tell she needs me too.'

After my wolf was done yelling at me I talked to Jerry for a little bit longer then turned to Kate who was smiling down at her white iPhone. 'What if she's talking to another guy' I thought, and that thought alone was enough to make a snarl escape my lips. She heard me and looked up through those thick lashes of hers and gave me a sad smirk that I wanted to kiss right off her lips. 'What is happening to me? I don't want her!' I thought to myself and right then my mate got up and walked out of the room. "Kate, where are you going sweetie?" her dad asked, shit I almost forgot he was in the room.

"I'm going to read a little upstairs, I'm sorry I can't stay down longer but I'm getting tired."

"Okay sweetie good night! I love you."

"Love you too"

Those three words slipped off her lips like liquid gold, it made me shudder just hearing her say 'love you too' even if it wasn't to me. I wanted to follow her to her room and lay down in bed with her while twirling her long blonde hair through my fingers and planting little kisses all over her tiny body.

*ring ring* I heard my phone go off and looked down to see a text message from Rylie that said "Babe, I really need you to come over and help me with some... things ;) xoxo"

What the hell am I gonna do with these girls!?

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