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"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Grif shouted as he collapsed onto his knees.

"This is a training facility used by the Forerunners. It would make sense to have it placed it adjacent to an armory, would it not?" Spark asked the soldiers.

"Well, then; I guess now we have two bases in the middle of a box canyon. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo," Simmons remarked.


Church and Simmons exchanged awkward glances. "Yeah, I think we should just... let him be for a while."

"In the meantime, you want to test out the vehicles?"


Chief and the others were in a stolen Phantom-class dropship, and they were approaching the Pillar of Autumn. Tucker had understood the mission statement, though he wasn't sure if Caboose did.

"Okay, listen. We're going to the Pillar of Autumn to try to stop this Monitor guy from killing everyone. You got that, Caboose?"

Tucker then realized who he was talking to.

"But he needs a computer and a keyboard first. Can't do anything with just a monitor. That would be silly."

Tucker sighed in frustration. "You know what? You are a fucking idiot."

Suddenly, the ship lurched to the side. Cortana appeared in the center of the cabin briefly.

"We're being pursued! Chief is working on evasive maneuvers, but I can't guarantee they'll work. You're going to have to either brace for impact or try to shoot down our attackers," she told the soldiers.

"Fuck that. I'm not going to expose myself to get shot in the head by those fucking Jackals!" Tucker protested.

"Fair point. However, if you don't do at least something, Chief is going to need to do something, and then we won't have a pilot."

Tucker, Doc, and Sarge looked at each other with uncertainty.

"Why would any of us expose ourselves to the enemy?" Sarge questioned.

"They're already exposed. Just a few quick shots could take them all down."

"You must have no idea who you're talking to. We're not elite soldiers, we're wash-outs," Doc told Cortana.

"I figured you four... you three would have some kind of skill in combat."

"No, Cortana. We don't. But I have other skills if you want to see them," Tucker commented.

Tucker half-expected the AI to scold him, but her silence said enough.

"Yeah, this definitely isn't the time. Save the terrible sex jokes for when we aren't getting shot at," Doc suggested.

And with that, Cortana disappeared, likely to help Chief in the cockpit.

"Fuck me."

Tucker stepped up to a plasma cannon as a hatch in the back opened. Air was released from the cabin, creating a drawn-out hiss to compliment the plasma fire.

"Doc, I get ten bucks. I just knew the Blue would get himself killed in the middle of battle!

"Yeah, I did, too!" Caboose exclaimed. "Wait, who's that? Is it me?"

"Tucker, are you crazy? What are you doing?!" Doc asked, deeply concerned.

"I'm saving our asses because none of you guys want to."

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