Start from the beginning

"Now now ladies, let the boy go. I'm sure he didn't mean anything malicious by it." The girls all swoon over him. Meanwhile the girls look at him in annoyance. Salamander then starts writing on a piece of paper before handing it over to the two boys. "There you go now you can brag about it to all your friends." The two boys give each other a glance. "No thanks." The two boys say in unison. Many girls are ready to attack them but luckily Midoriya expected this. "I'm sure the lovely ladies around you would want it a lot more than us. So you can just give it to one of them." Bora shrugged his shoulders before blindly tossing the autographed mini white board towards the sea of girls who all fight each other over it.

"Well I must be going ladies I have business to attend to." All the girls stop their brawl after hearing the sad news. "Your leaving already?" Salamander then raises his left hand getting ready to snap his fingers. "Time for the red carpet." He snaps his fingers as a red circle with a strange design in it appears in front of his hand. Purple flames surround his feet before a spiral of flames lifts him into the air. "I'm having a soirée on my yacht tonight and you're all invited!" He then flies away using the spiral of flames. As all the ladies watch with sad eyes. Izuku watched as he flies away. "Who was that guy?" 

"Who knows but regardless he was a real creep." The boys turn around and see the girls behind them. Yaoyorozu then waves her hand. "Thank you it seems you have saved us once again." 

Time Skip brought to you by a little blue cat with a green bag "And then..."

The group of teens finally make it to the diner that they were talking about. Everyone was eating their respective foods. Katsuki was eating a bit more messily than everyone else though. Some of the patrons were even giving him weird looks as they try to eat their food. The girls are a bit grossed out by the manner of his eating but they agreed to this and there wasn't a way to back out. At least Izuku had better table manners than his friend. He just plucked any food that ended up coming his way along with some that were flying towards the girls. All while eating his food and looking like its the most normal thing to him. Momo wanting to try and bring up the mood a bit decided to start the conversation. 

"Um we would like to thank you again for what you did. Who knows what could have happened if you didn't step in." Izuku gave her a warm smile and shook his head. "I'm sure the robot would have been stopped before the robot really hurt you, but i just couldn't run away when someone is in possible danger." Bakugou also stopped eating much to the relief of the girls and surrounding patrons. 

"Don't think too much about it. Thats just how we roll. Besides what was the deal with that guy with all those damn simps? He called himself Salamander right?" Bakugou takes a sip of his drink while looking at the girls. "Seeing as you were simping over him as well I assume you know him too." The girls give a questioning look trying to figure out where they knew him from. Thats when Momo came to a realization. "Ah. I remember now. Over the last few months there have been numerous people claiming to be you, the first male with a quirk in Japan. While the majority of them were obviously fakes he was the only one who had the closest connection to your unofficial debut. What with the fire and all. After that he became a quick celebrity. Going from place to place wooing everyone with his fire based quirk." 

Everyone thought about it and remembered all the false rumors about random people being Izuku. All but him was debunked as they all couldn't prove it aside from him. As he actually had fire based abilities. Izuku takes a sip of his drink before sighing. "I wasn't expecting anyone to care so much about me to try to impersonate me like this. Now i will probably have to prove my own existence as 'salamander' and not just some random male who is trying to get a quick claim to fame." Itsuka nodded as she rested her head on her hand. "Well almost anyone would try to market themselves when they end up being the first male with a quirk. Plus with everything going on from your "debut..." She puts air quotes around the word debut. "...with the fire, the smoke and the sun starting to set, your features weren't clear so anyone could say it was them and no one would be able to prove them wrong. Why didn't you prove it was you anyway? Or try to make a name for yourself after everything happened?"

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