~14. Set up for failure

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"You know the combination?" Liam asked as he stood behind Hayden in the night club she worked at.

"12-34-56." Hayden answered as the safe clicked unlocked.

"But that's—"

"Yeah, Phil's an idiot." Hayden chuckled, grabbing a hold of the cash that was meant for her future paycheques.

"My sister is going to go out of her mind worrying about me." Hayden let out a guilt filled sigh.

"We'll come up with something to tell her." Liam whispered softly as an attempt to ease her anxiety as they got ready to leave the empty club.

"How far are we going to go?" Hayden asked, her worried tone still there.

"Wherever's far enough I guess." He shrugged, trying to make everything sound normal.

"But what if I turn out like Tracy? What if I hurt you?" Hayden mumbled, Fiddling with the envelope of money.

"I'll get over it." Liam smiled, before Hayden pulled him in for a slow kiss but was soon interrupted.

Flashing lights shot through the room, each one going in a different direction than the other.

"They're here." Hayden whimpered as Liam held her tight, griping around her waist, whilst a buzzing, chittering sound filled the room.

»»———— ☾✩☽ ————««

"What the hell is he doing?" The sheriff asked the red headed girl.

"Protecting us. He thinks he's protecting us from himself." Lydia explained, sitting on one of the cold metal bench chairs in the containment cell.

Obviously weirded out Stilinski, held out his key card to unlock the cell Parrish had locked himself in.

"No!" He yelled, making his superior officer step back.

"I understand now, why you put me on desk duty for six months." Parish sighed.

"Parrish, we can't keep you in here." He protested in a whisper in order to attract les attention.

"There's another body, right?" Parrish asked.

"Two actually." He corrected, still in a whisper.

Parrish sighed, deciding whether or not to tell the full truth.

"I'm the one taking the bodies." He admitted.
"I-I don't know why, and I definitely don't remember doing it, but if it really was me at the morgue then we know for a fact that I can easily hurt anybody this room.
I'm dangerous.
Okay? You can't let me out."

»»———— ☾✩☽ ————««

"You want to tell me what happened back there?" Alex sighed as he sat down on the lounge next to Thea, she stayed silent, staring at the photo of her and her father that was rested on the coffee table in front of the two.
"Thea I'm worried about you, even if you don't want to... you have to start telling me things. I can't save you if I don't know what's hurting you."

"I saw him Alex, I saw Corey die.
The things that took me were what killed him, a-and I can't help but think that the dread doctors were right." Thea trembled, a haunted look in her eyes.
"Maybe I'm a monster."

"You're not a monster." Alex chuckled, trying to sound reassuring.

"I'm not? My whole life I felt different, like I was looking at the world through warped lenses, seeing and hearing unexplainable things that I thought I was imagining.
But maybe I wasn't, it makes sense.
For the first time in my life it makes sense. And, I don't know, maybe the fact that I just had some sort of physic vision." She confessed, sadness gathering in her eyes and filling it to the brim.

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