13. Suspicious behaviour

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Again she was stuck in a hospital bed.
Strapped to various beeping machines, eating a green jelly cup while her mum was sleeping in the chair next to her, refusing to leave her side.

Alex was there also, he was reading from some giant old book that had a leather casing on it.

"What's that?" Thea asked in a raspy voice.

Alex looked over at the ill girl with caring eyes as he moved closer, so he was sitting on the end of her bed to better show her the book.

"It's a bestiary. I'm just trying to figure out what took you and more importantly—how to kill it." Alex sighed, probably because he couldn't find any hint out what took Thea.

"Don't bother, I already know what they are." Thea groaned as she pushed herself up from the bed so she was sitting.
"Dread doctors. There's three of them."

"How did you know that? I never even heard of them." Alex ask, worried about the girl's random spark in knowledge.

"They're in the book Theo gave me, I haven't finished it yet but it told me what I needed to know." Thea explained.

"Well go on, what was it you needed to know?" Alex asked abruptly, to focused on the dread doctors to ponder that fact that Theo, who was just some random teenager in his eyes, knew about this.

"They aren't a creature for one, they are basically just supernaturally messed up humans, doctors to be exact. They want to create a monster that blurs the lines of supernatural law, and they've already started.
But so far they have all been failures-"

"What do you mean failures?" Alex interrupted.

"They aren't evil enough I guess, the dread doctors kill them after they are failures." Thea continued to explain, her voice still raspy.

"Wait, if they took you does that mean your one of them?" Alex asked, this time he was more concerned than intrigued.

"No." Thea replied quietly.

"Why do I feel like there's a but?" Alex sighed.

"But... they said that they wanted to know what I was, that I was a creature they wanted to clone." Thea whispered, the memories bringing up fear but she was too knocked up on morphine to have a freak out.

He looked away from Thea, trying to think of something to say.
What if she was a monster?
He was trained to kill her.
But how could he?
Thea was practically his daughter, he's known her for her whole life.

"It's going to be okay. I'll make sure of it." Alex reassured the girl, holding her cold hand.
"But one thing I have to ask, does the name Keith mean anything to you?"

Thea shook her head, confused by the question.

"You said it when I found you, right before you past out... It's also the name of my son." Alex uttered, more worried that Thea didn't know him, and was saying his name when she was close to death.

"You have a son?" Thea questioned, she never saw him as the dad type, even though he was the most prominent father figure in her life.

"Yeah. He's seventeen, two years older than you." Alex said dryly, Thea assumed that he didn't have a good relationship with his son from the way he spoke of him.
She wasn't wrong.

The conversation was soon interrupted by the sound of calamity coming from corridor outside of Thea's room.

Alex was up in seconds to figure out what was wrong, looking around for the source.
He saw a pale boy who was bleeding black, coughing up sliver liquid, and screaming in pain.

"Thea! What happens when there's a failure?" Alex shouted as he ran back into Thea's room, waking up Lauren.

"They bleed mercury." Thea answered, realising what was going on.

"Lauren, we need to leave now!" Alex continued his shout, practically yelling orders at the two.

"What? why?." Lauren asked in a panicked voice, scrambling her daughters stuff in a bag.

"I'll explain later, just come on." Alex demanded as he helped pull the machinery from Thea, helping walk out of the room.

They rushed through the corridor trying to reach the exit, pushing past doctors and nurses.

A sickly pain filled Thea when she saw Corey, they might not have been friends but she knew him well, he was kind.
He sat with her at lunch some days when he saw her sitting alone, and now, now he was covered his his own blood screaming in pain, begging to not let him be taken.

"We have to help him." Thea pleaded to Alex, but he just continued to pull Thea away with her mum following close.

A white hot pain flashed through Thea's head as she sat in the back of Alex's car causing her to grip her head.

"Whoa, whoa! What the fuck is wrong now!" Alex asked with a sigh of irritation but was still full of concern for the girl.

Flashes filled Thea's mind, moving to fast for her to make out.
But she could hear it.
The slashing of flesh, the gasp of horror, until all that filled here mind was the image of Cory's lifeless corpse.

»»———— ☾✩☽ ————««

"Anything familiar?" Lydia asked in the same perpetually tired voice she had for the past hour.

"Nothing." A humourless laugh escaped Parrish. "I'm really trying, but it all looks like woods to me."

"Maybe your thinking about it too much. Maybe it's something you need to feel." Lydia concluded.

"Well how am I supposed to do that?" Parrish sighed, still trying to look for the Nematon, when Lydia throws a punch at the officer that he easily caught.

"What was that for?" Parrish chuckled, confused by Lydia's choice of violence.

"Trying to get you to stop thinking." Lydia shrugged with a smile, before throwing another punch.

"What? is this supposed to motivate me?"
Punches continued to be thrown at him by the red head.

"No, it's supposed to make you stop thinking." Lydia grunts as the two begin to fight, Parrish going easy of corse.

They soon stop when his eyes flashed a golden fiery colour.
Walking over to his left, a mixture of fear and confusion painted his face, seeing teenage corpses piling on a giant mossy tree stump.

»»———— ☾✩☽ ————««

"Lydia, for the love of God, answer your phone. There's another dead chimera, so right now is probably not the best time to be alone with Parrish. If he coming to get the body, you can't get he his way.
Lydia, do not get in his way." Stiles panted into his phone, praying the Lydia would hear his voicemail as he ran out of the school.

Practically half the officers in beacon hills filled the school, to them a teenage girl was murdered, but to Theo and the sheriff, they knew it was much more than that.
The dead girl was a chimera.

"Where's Scott." The Stilinski asked Theo.

"He's looking for Liam, he thinks he's with Hayden." He answered quietly so the other officers wouldn't hear.

"Alright, I need a word with you. Just you."

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