Chapter 1: Arrival

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Ruby's perspective of the world was slowed, eyes blazing silver watching Cinder's arrow approach Pyrrha mere feet away. Power radiated off the teen, mind going what seemed to be millions of miles a second. "No no no no no no no no no no, I HAVE TO SAVE HER!" Ruby mentally screamed not wanting to accept the reality of the situation. Staring directly into Pyrrha's eyes she watched as she closed hers seemingly accepting her doomed fate. "Please she can't die!" Ruby whimpered unknowingly releasing more power.

Suddenly a figured appeared right in front of Pyrrha with the arrow but a foot away. Faster than even she could see he thrusted his palm forward breaking the arrow upon impact. Time caught up to her as she watched him take in his surroundings looking awfully confused. Still in her stride she landed beside Pyrrha behind the stranger Crescent Rose placed in front of her friend.

"What's going on here?" The stranger asks taking in his surroundings, "And where am I?"

Furrowing her brows she looks at him strangely.
"What do you mean? How did you get here?" Ruby asks taking in the strangers appearance. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit with possibly the coolest cape(in her opinion) and wearing a forehead protector. He glances back at her giving her a sight of his face and notices he looks to be around her age? Weird since she's never seen him around the school or the festival.

"I-I don't know." He responds, "I was meditating and suddenly I'm here about to get pierced with an arrow." Narrowing his eyes, which she noticed to have orange pigmentation around the top lids and gold bars for pupils? Strange. He looks towards the owner of the arrow who seemed very displeased with his presence.

"Hey you! Are you trying to kill me or something?!" He shouted at her unaware the arrow wasn't meant for him.

Cinder was frustrated, that arrow should've killed Pyrrha but this blonde teen just appeared out of nowhere and stopped it? Blasphemy. She didn't even notice his presence until now let alone see him move. Though his demeanor tells a different tale, like he had no idea what was going on. "Actually boy, that arrow was meant to kill the girl behind you."

Turning around he fully sees both redheads, Ruby was protectively guarding Pyrrha ready for any sort of attack coming their way. Glancing around he sees an older guy on the floor in a puddle of his own blood. Frowning he stretches his sage mode and gasps! "They don't have chakra, more so there seems to be a war going on?!"

"Who are you boy?" The woman demands flames flickering around her.

He turns too look back at the women noticing the flames, "It's not chakra but they definitely have energies similar too it and this woman is seeping with it!" "I'm Naruto Uzumaki and who the hell are you supposed to be?" He spat not at all pleased with the situation he's in.

"She's Cinder," Ruby hisses, "She's the reason why all this is happening, our home, our friends...innocent people being destroyed!" She yells out clearly angry at the woman. Naruto glances back to her meeting her directly in the eyes. They both stared fascinated with the others unique eyes but also measuring one another's convictions.

"I see..." He states then proceeds to get into a battle stance eyes fully locked onto Cinder. He puts a thumbs up towards Ruby, "I'll take care of this, you protect your friend. I'll make sure she pays." He says resolutely.

Cinder started to cackle "Me pay?! That's humorous, let me show you the true power of a maiden boy!" She yells floating into the air with the elements surrounding her. "I'll put you in your place then kill you."

Naruto looked forward unfazed standing still gathering more nature energy as she vented out. "We'll see."


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